Hello,I'm not a reseller I just wan't know the prices.
Does first time credits cost €500 for 500 credits? Because when i'm about to choose amount of credits it says €500 = 1050 credits total amounts.
So is it €500 for 500 credits or €500 = 1050 credits?
Can't I buy less credits? Paying €500 straight away is too much.
Thats what I paid when I sign up to be resellerPaTech: 200 credits = 200€ sounds good but I don't have that choice. I get this message "minumum is 500 credits for first time payment"?
Rapid TV Swiss: I'm already registered
Rapid rais from 200 € to 500 € first payment for new resellersI'm still a litte confused. Thanks anyway
It is only possible with 1 Mac with multiple connection. Unfortunately, you must use M3U on the second connection. It has been mentioned several times in the forum. Therefore, I offer my customers two separate subscribers instead of multiple connection. Because then you can use two MAG boxes with two MAC addresses!Hi,
- I want to connect 2 devices
- Tell me how to add a second device in the panel. I clicked on + added the device to withdraw money. And how to add the second Mac address?
View attachment 1890
You can become sub-resellerShit well, i waited to long saved up 200 so i can start reselling and now its 500 is there anyway a admin can make a compensation ?
Yeh i know but i really wanted to become a reseller, everything was taken care of and i was saving up and waiting for my creditcard to arriveYou can become sub-resellerShit well, i waited to long saved up 200 so i can start reselling and now its 500 is there anyway a admin can make a compensation ?
This change came into effect until not long ago and because of unreasonable resellers..Yeh i know but i really wanted to become a reseller, everything was taken care of and i was saving up and waiting for my creditcard to arriveYou can become sub-resellerShit well, i waited to long saved up 200 so i can start reselling and now its 500 is there anyway a admin can make a compensation ?