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Reattaching catchup services to an extracted M3U file?


New Member
Apr 21, 2024
My provider gives access via XC, using those details I have used a service epg.m3u service to dedupe, filter and enrich the channel information before adding to my iptv app across various devices in my home. I have also done this as it allows me to centrally manage the playlists from one location instead of manually doing it on each device.
One of the issues I have found is that my M3U playlists dont have any catchup information, so none of the catch up services work any longer. In one of my iptv apps I have readded the XC playlists and can see there are channels that support catchup, and they work when I try to access shows (via the epg) earlier in the day.

I've tried to manually reattach the catchup services by adding the following tags back to the m3u line for the channels I know that support catchup:

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="bbc1.uk" tvg-name="UK SD : BBC One (Catchup Test One)" catchup="default" catchup-days="1" tvg-logo="http://url.com.jpg" group-title="Entertainment",UK SD : BBC One
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="bbc1.uk" tvg-name="UK SD : BBC One (Catchup Test Two)" catchup="shift" catchup-days="3" tvg-logo="http://url.com.jpg" group-title="Entertainment",UK SD : BBC One

Adding these playlists into iptv, will show the playlist and they appear as if they support catchup, but if go back say 3 hours the stream just plays live. I recon the URL structure for the stream for catchup is different but I'm not sure what the format is thats used by XC.

Would anyone be able to help me here?