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Tested united-kingdom.xml in GSE on iOS.
Added only EPG under EPG program guide.
It works.
Don’t have the UK channels installed so I can not see if it works when watching channels.
Must be something else thats wrong on your android box.
Have you tested on another device?
If you go in under EPG programguide and uppdate the EPG dosen’t it download 26000 posts and then shows the EPG and logos for united-kingdom.xml?
GSE only loaded some EPG when i turned on builtin EPG
That EPG has nothitng with rapid EPG
It has some EPG sources like Extreme iptv player that you can use even withot your own epg url
Tnx for your help
Managed to load EPG (some ) on extreme iptv player
I dont like GSE player
Perfect player is best in my opinion and i cant get epg to work on my favourite add
Tnx for your help