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There seems to be a few channels missing for The Netherlands nr. 47 up to 50 (Film1) and nr. 52 (also Film1). They were available before but missing since a few weeks.
@ estiptv Do you have indian epg also bro? The ******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* official indian epg just only has few channels epg.

where have to put the .xml file
etc/enigma2 ???
or other i do not now

thank you
I do not know it either
Would like to know how it goes

please help us where the xml file comes

best regards

can somebody tell me please where i have to put the .xml file for the EPG in my box
i have a enigma 2 box VU+

hope some body can help me
thank you

can somebody tell me please where i have to put the .xml file for the EPG in my box
i have a enigma 2 box VU+

hope some body can help me
thank you

I sent you some info in PM - have a look
There seems to be a few channels missing for The Netherlands nr. 47 up to 50 (Film1) and nr. 52 (also Film1). They were available before but missing since a few weeks.
Also missing SBS6 and SBS6 HD EPG
Ty for the help did try the link but its the same this channels epg aint working
C More stars
C More First
C More Series
Only C More Hits works

I have a Samsung Smart IPTV and upload through M3U files. I received the file type through Cuvillier and it works great for the most part, however I do not know how to get the tv guide working for the US channels. I tried contacting Cuvillier but received no response. Could someone please guide me how to add the tv guide without loosing my current channels?



I have a Samsung Smart IPTV and upload through M3U files. I received the file type through Cuvillier and it works great for the most part, however I do not know how to get the tv guide working for the US channels. I tried contacting Cuvillier but received no response. Could someone please guide me how to add the tv guide without loosing my current channels?



Hi afasik its not possible for custom epg in SIP. They have their own EPG system..