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Fire TV Technical Issues and Questions

you misunderstand. I see there how to config /install but I see not how to choose the right provider at start (practice) or will both provider starting at start and mix its channels
you misunderstand. I see there how to config /install but I see not how to choose the right provider at start (practice) or will both provider starting at start and mix its channels

Yeah, they will mix.
I guess you could group them with some serious hours put into m3u editing but that kills the autoupdate function of the proper m3u, which you've lost anyways going multi line.
Now understand I haven't tried this nor will I.
Just showing the possibilities are there but the scenario you're looking for is not.
you mean I will lost the auto update when I put in 2 providers? (not editing the m3u)
If your gonna use 2 providers use xtream-editor and merger the two together using pro version. Then you will have one link auto updating only for both. And you can move the order of all your channels
All channels included in the url that you provide. You can remove what you don't want and keep whatever you like. Go to the site and check it out... You will get a better understanding of what you need and what they can do for you .
All channels included in the url that you provide. You can remove what you don't want and keep whatever you like. Go to the site and check it out... You will get a better understanding of what you need and what they can do for you .

True, Xtream will work as a non free solution !
All channels included in the url that you provide. You can remove what you don't want and keep whatever you like. Go to the site and check it out... You will get a better understanding of what you need and what they can do for you .

True, Xtream will work as a non free solution !

For about 2 euro for a year it takes a lot of headache sorting lines thru notepad. And in this instance one line only ( unless telex is a reseller ) it's the beat and quickest option I believe
I mean I had to put in both URLS again at:

"Add external playlist links (URLs), with auto-update"