Considering my hopes were very low when receiving this stick, and I would not have bought it if
@ftoklu had made his review/test before I've ordered it.
I'ts gone well after a lot of testing and tweaking with these apps/ settings.
Apps i have tested, all newest versions: VLC, Smart IPTV, Perfect Player, Smarters IPTV, IPTV Extreme Pro.
Tried resolutions: 4k, 1080p 50 and 60 Hz
VLC I just installed to use as an external player to some of the above players, if they for some reason could not handle a sertain channel, VOD etc.
Smart IPTV worked allright but I had to use VLC thrue it to get the sound ofsync fixed. Untill yesterday when there server crashed an made it useless. I also cant stand the GUI witch is as ugly as GSE.
Smarters IPTV did not work all that well, serious ofsync with sound and nothing to do about that, to little options in this childish player like sorting of channels etc. I was also useless watching VOD and series with since the remote are not working with fast forward etc.
Perfect payer are very nice to look at and works very well for tv watching only and not good for VOD at all.
Iptv Extreme are with out any competition the best player and the one to use in my opinion, the player has endless settings you can do and the remote works flawlessely with everyting you want to do. It's also great to watch VOD and even the internal player let you choose subs etc, i have not yet have to use VLC as a external player with it to see anything. I also like the GUI with the tiles and all EPG vissable on 20 channels at the time. I run it at 1080p 60Hz, the only problem i had was frame skip that was just a setting that i had to turn of in advanced player setting called hurry up. So i'm very happy with this stick running IPTV Extreme so far.
I might ad that I only used wifi when i installed the apps with my phone via app2fire app. I had a lot of lagging and crashing in some players on wifi even if the AP was less than 2 meters from the stick, i suppose the wifi card are sort of useless in the stick and it might be the reason there has been problems with crashing etc. so do what i did and invest in a uGreen ethernet adapter for chromecast and i'm fairly sure it will work for most people, the problem with that is then it's not that cheap any more. and you might as well buy a proper box instead. I also have ordered a 2 male to 1 female USB charger cable on eBay to use the 2 USB ports on my TV later, 1 port is 1A and the other is 0,5A, and should be enough, I tried the 1A USB port but the stick told me the power supply was not enough even if the wall plug that came with it said 1A on it?
You can down load The IPTV Extreme APK:s here:
And be prepared to do the daunting task of going thrue the settings in it, It's so much that some people will get scared of it! And there is no way I can tell you all the settings I have done in it, sorry but I'm sure I could not find them again

One good thing about it, is if you have a problems, there will be a settings to sort it out!