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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

Group: USA & Canada [US-CA]
Channel: WWE Network US
Issue: Channel is showing DSTV's WWE Channel from South Africa which is completely different from the WWE Network. I reported this as wrong channel in the dashboard, but they marked it as "fixed" without fixing it, so the dashboard won't allow reports for another 24 hours. I'm guessing they incorrectly marked it as "fixed" because they're not familiar with the channel and thought it was correct since they have similar names.
Group: Greece
Channel: All
Issue: everything is black. after some time maybe a random channel works for a limited time and turn black again.
Channel: Classica DE
Problem: When the program starts at 20.15 sometimes its freezing or switchs to another channel. please update the source.
- Did you contact your reseller: no
- Diagnosis result: buffering
- When the problem started: May 14th 2020
- Which country: Netherlands
- Channel: NPO 1 FHD NL
- What is the exact issue: channel is buffering al the time.
- Which type of device: kodi/vlc
group: Greece
channel: TLC
issue: everyday play the same program

to make sure your channel problem reports are seen and attended to, you need to report them in the correct way.
If a channel is Down, No Sound, No Picture or Wrong Channel report it at the "Channels" section (http://prntscr.com/kku652)
directly from your Dashboard.

The channel does not show up at channel report - then submit a ticket from your DB and mention your issue:
group: Greece
channel: TLC
issue: everyday play the same program

Thank you
- Did you contact your reseller: no
- Diagnosis result: buffering
- When the problem started: May 14th 2020
- Which country: Netherlands
- Channel: NPO 1 FHD NL
- What is the exact issue: channel is buffering al the time.
- Which type of device: kodi/vlc

Why does my reseller close the dashboard report??
Channel NPO 1 FHD NL is still buffering all the time.
Group: Greece
Channel: Cosmote Sports 1-9

Group: Greece
Channel: TLC
Issue:wrong channel (repeating)

Group: Greece
Channel: Novasports 1
Issue:wrong channel (repeating)
Which Country: Germany
Which ISP: Telekom and 4G LTE
Which Channels: Classica DE
Issue: Channel on air daily from 8.15pm but freezing/lagging. Problem on all devices (Smart TV, Enigma, VLC, iPhone).

Which Country: Germany
Which ISP: Telekom and 4G LTE
Which Channels: BeiN Sports 1-10 FHD ARB
Issue: Lagging every few seconds, then works and problem repeats. (ECM Prob?)

Which Country: Germany
Which ISP: Telekom and 4G LTE
Which Channels: Viasat Urheilu, Viasat Jalkapallo, Viasat Jääkiekko
Issue: Not workings since months. Reported many times, case closed but channels not working.
Halo sorry, hwbe a problem with 2 important channels After a few minutes the picture goes black. It comes back in seconds and it keeps coming back
I tested the same problem everywhere on the Smart IPTV App STB App VLC 4G WLAN Smartphone

Information I cannot open a ticket in the dashboard to report my problem

Channel name DAZN 1 FHD DE
Country Germany

Channel name DAZN 2 FHD DE
Country Germany
halo have a problem with all channels The screen goes black and then it comes back

it only affects the German channels, someone has the same problem.
It seems that most of live channels are back after the server maintenance, but none of the movies or series is working?!