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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

- Did you contact your reseller: Yes
- Diagnosis result: He couldn't help
- When the problem started: Saturday
- Which country: UK
- What is the exact issue: Channels are down, reseller refuses to help
- Which type of device: fiestick with iptvstreamers app
- What is the error code? (if there is any): no error given.
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Reactions: community-tester
channel freezes ,repeats , RTL living FHD DE. Impossible to watch

The reseller was contacted: Yes and made also tickets

Which device: firetv stick, tivimate, iptv extreme pro, gse smart tv, smartphone tvimate iptv, gse smart tv, televizo

Have you tried 4G 5G VPN: Yes same probs, 3 different vpn's, dns changes etc.

Which country: germany

What is the problem: The channel freezes. the problem is mostly at the evening. in the night its fixed and next day the same. it also with other german channels like sky bundesliga 2

**** is it perhaps possible to finally eliminate the problem? ****