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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

- Did you contact your reseller: Yes
- Diagnosis result: He couldn't help
- When the problem started: Saturday
- Which country: UK
- What is the exact issue: Channels are down, reseller refuses to help
- Which type of device: fiestick with iptvstreamers app
- What is the error code? (if there is any): no error given.
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Reactions: community-tester
channel freezes ,repeats , RTL living FHD DE. Impossible to watch

The reseller was contacted: Yes and made also tickets

Which device: firetv stick, tivimate, iptv extreme pro, gse smart tv, smartphone tvimate iptv, gse smart tv, televizo

Have you tried 4G 5G VPN: Yes same probs, 3 different vpn's, dns changes etc.

Which country: germany

What is the problem: The channel freezes. the problem is mostly at the evening. in the night its fixed and next day the same. it also with other german channels like sky bundesliga 2

**** is it perhaps possible to finally eliminate the problem? ****
Did you contact your reseller (tag the reseller name with @ in front of his name):
- Dashboard Diagnosis result: all OK
- DNS Server setting:
- When the problem started: since a few weeks
- Which country: Netherlands
- What is the exact issue: Viaplay Xstra HD NL channels not working
- Which type of device (and app, if any): LG Smart IPTV M3U
- What is the error code (if any)? Viaplay Xstra HD NL channels NOT working
Viaplay Xstra HD NL Channels are still not working... Is there anybody going to look into this issue??