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Thank you for that. But problem with my mag410 is when I download Smarters pro and when I opened appl i have just username and password i dont have host whete I can put link off the channels.
Contact your reseller/provider to help you out ;) (or contact me via pm)
hello i am new here,i use this app with an iptv service,working great for weeks ,now in my workplace i have problem ,i can access channels and everything but it wont play,i have several devices so is not the device,something with thw wifi conection,when i change to another wifi no probloem at all,also using the wifi i have problem with,when using another iptv service everything is fine,what can it be,is possible my isp blocked the service?? thanks in advance
When you update you have to change the setting to but this is just a new think as been using for years on rapid?
Live Tv not working for me to. Movies and series work. Channels work in other programms with m3u link. Tryed reinstalling but doen't help.