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Teletext?What is PP?
And sub where on what?
Yes, for example ORF I HD supports teletext. And ORF teletext on page 777 has subtitles. PP is perfect player.
Ok,but why you need subtitles on ORF?
Channel is on german lenguage and you are from Austria
Change log v1.4.4:
Added option to select buffer size (Hardware, Software, HW+)
Added “Channels management mode” to manually sort channels and to sort by name (checkbox in context menu)
Added the ability to select specific date and time of channel archive (at the end of archive programs list)
Added FTP support for playlist and EPG downloading
Auto-select playing channel on channels list reopening
Other fixes and improvements

Download as APK: Player
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There is a setting with 4 alternatives. 1,2,3 or 4.
What does these settings do ?
Buffersize, memory allocations ?
Shouldn't there be an option like "depending on stream". Because all channels aren't running as equals ?
I tried the software.
The opening loading time is very long. And the epg support you must get the url for yourself.

The positive side is it can hold many streaming & Epg sources. The hardest thing is to know how to set the "default", "Auto", "Native", "Software", "Hardware" & "HW+".settings ?
I noticed if HW+ is too much the option is Hardware. But when are one using "Software" and "Native" setting ?

The software is getting better but sometimes it has the ability to crash. Hope there is a manual how to set things up. Some things are self explanatory while other
things are just not easy to understand.
Love the build-in player support.
Should be tweaked for an Android-TV support so it can be easily used with a remote.

Another positive part with the software. It doesn't have loads of pages of settings. However I wait for the next version to come out. :blush:
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