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VLC Technical Issues and Support

it has 3 options hls, rtmp, mpegts i have used them but no results. no url found. on iphone no problem it works
VLC supports M3U playlists. So either "M3U" or "M3U with OPTIONS" would be fine. Output type should be MPEGTS. You can use the URL in VLC. Alternatively, you can download the playlist and open it with VLC.
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having problem setting up my rapid on my vlc just get wrong message that it couldnt open the mlr.. and ive followed the tutorial.
the thing i found wierd is that all the other links i se ends with mpgets but my links ends with =ts
having problem setting up my rapid on my vlc just get wrong message that it couldnt open the mlr.. and ive followed the tutorial.
the thing i found wierd is that all the other links i se ends with mpgets but my links ends with =ts

Disable your windows firewall and try again... If it works create a rule for VLC :)

Do anyone know how to be able to play more than one track on VLC for Apple tv or iPad/iPhone. It can only play the first track, and you´re not available to switch the channel.

Why I want to use VLC is since there is no other app out there were you can select subtitles and audio track on channels that provide that or more or less they provide multiple choice to select subs and audio.
Well, i had 2 clients who asked for the list for computer, and both could not open the full playlist, alot of countries are missing. While i was able to get the full playlist on VLC.

So i uninstalled my vlc, older version, and downloaded the new one, and now i have the same problem, i disabled some countries, and on the list i got some new countries which were not there before, but not all. So i wonder if anyone has had this issue and knows how to fix it. I will be sending them older VLC installation files now, but i would like for this to be fixed if possible.