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What happened to US EPG. No longer available. Link i was using http://estiptv******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/epg/US_guide.xml
I have used many hours to edit my m3u on DK, SE, NO, DE, UK and US, i consider my effort worth it, +95% epg coverage on it. US changes sometimes so it's not that easy ;0) my m3u works on all providers with ......iptv.uno just replace credentials, does not need external source, best option for SIPTV og IPTV Extreme it does not work as well, stil 90% coverage. All Live Event, PPV, Movie Streams and VOD clearly not included.

So minus the dirt and the noise: Channels: 2574, Groups: 12 ---- Replace RapidUserPut/PassAsWell with tour credentials and/or rapidswiss with glow or shark (still runs on each) The French-English VOD has Dual audio, so track 2 is original language. On the Smart IPTV App it would look like this:


This is not the complete m3u i use, i have two providers in one file, cant find one that covers both Nordic and Intenational content as i want it, Period!

The one for Nordic has Alternativ Audio and Subtitles on and more channels, they just suck on German and Russian Channels.


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hi, can you edit names of Polish channels. Please change all canal + channels to canal+ (without space) as the smart iptv app doesn't recognize them and EPG doesn't work for these channels, it's the same with Kuchnia +, Planete +, etc. thanks
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Is there a full tutorial on getting the guide to work with Kodi and IPTV Simple Client? I put the m3u url in and put http://estiptv******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/epg/IPTV_guide.xml in for the guide xml but it still doesn't load during kodi startup. The guide is just blank. Any suggestions?
Using a browser, you can download both the xml and gz files, but it takes forever. Is the poor guys server under DoS attack? I don't know, but it certainly isn't working like it used to anymore. Pity.
I downloaded some of the ones I use a few days ago and then I searched for start="20181009, this can't be found which shows that it is not up to date.