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you can see it in the m3u file, but I can see the EPG working on Smart IPTV, not working on others players.
What you talking about, please explain me too. Lately no new EPG is added by Rapid, no to MAG, no to M3U file. Same EPG for last half year.
SmartIPTV has own EPG and not at all related to Rapid.
you can see it in the m3u file, but I can see the EPG working on Smart IPTV, not working on others players.
What you talking about, please explain me too. Lately no new EPG is added by Rapid, no to MAG, no to M3U file. Same EPG for last half year.
SmartIPTV has own EPG and not at all related to Rapid.

this is the m3u info TVG ID and logo,

next week Rapid will completed all groups as Staff info

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="######## ex-Yu ########" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",######## ex-Yu ########
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Federalna TV" tvg-name="Federalna ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",Federalna ex-Yu
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="OBN ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",OBN ex-Yu
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="Face TV ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",Face TV ex-Yu

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="######## Sweden ########" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/sweden.png" group-title="Sweden",######## Sweden ########
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SVT1 SE" tvg-name="SVT1 HD SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/svt1hd.png" group-title="Sweden",SVT1 HD SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SVT2 SE" tvg-name="SVT2 SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/svt2.png" group-title="Sweden",SVT2 SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TV3 SE" tvg-name="TV3 HD SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/tv3hdse.png" group-title="Sweden",TV3 HD SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TV3 SE" tvg-name="TV3 SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/tv3se.png" group-title="Sweden",TV3 SE
you can see it in the m3u file, but I can see the EPG working on Smart IPTV, not working on others players.
What you talking about, please explain me too. Lately no new EPG is added by Rapid, no to MAG, no to M3U file. Same EPG for last half year.
SmartIPTV has own EPG and not at all related to Rapid.

this is the m3u info

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="######## ex-Yu ########" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",######## ex-Yu ########
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Federalna TV" tvg-name="Federalna ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",Federalna ex-Yu
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="OBN ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",OBN ex-Yu
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="Face TV ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",Face TV ex-Yu

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="######## Sweden ########" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/sweden.png" group-title="Sweden",######## Sweden ########
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SVT1 SE" tvg-name="SVT1 HD SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/svt1hd.png" group-title="Sweden",SVT1 HD SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SVT2 SE" tvg-name="SVT2 SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/svt2.png" group-title="Sweden",SVT2 SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TV3 SE" tvg-name="TV3 HD SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/tv3hdse.png" group-title="Sweden",TV3 HD SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TV3 SE" tvg-name="TV3 SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/tv3se.png" group-title="Sweden",TV3 SE

So what. This the same m3u file that are half year ago. No new tvg-id has added in half year.
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What you talking about, please explain me too. Lately no new EPG is added by Rapid, no to MAG, no to M3U file. Same EPG for last half year.
SmartIPTV has own EPG and not at all related to Rapid.

this is the m3u info

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="######## ex-Yu ########" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",######## ex-Yu ########
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Federalna TV" tvg-name="Federalna ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",Federalna ex-Yu
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="OBN ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",OBN ex-Yu
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="Face TV ex-Yu" tvg-logo="" group-title="ex-Yu",Face TV ex-Yu

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="######## Sweden ########" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/sweden.png" group-title="Sweden",######## Sweden ########
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SVT1 SE" tvg-name="SVT1 HD SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/svt1hd.png" group-title="Sweden",SVT1 HD SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="SVT2 SE" tvg-name="SVT2 SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/svt2.png" group-title="Sweden",SVT2 SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TV3 SE" tvg-name="TV3 HD SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/tv3hdse.png" group-title="Sweden",TV3 HD SE
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="TV3 SE" tvg-name="TV3 SE" tvg-logo="http://secure.clientportal.link/picons/tv3se.png" group-title="Sweden",TV3 SE

Anyway you are the EPG expert,
So what. This the same m3u file that are half year ago. No new tvg-id has added in half year.
that info i got from Rapid Staff, next week they will complete add EPG to all channels.
Is there a way for me to Edit The epg to just swedish. Uk and us? So it just loads swedish, uk and us Channels?
Is there a way for me to Edit The epg to just swedish. Uk and us? So it just loads swedish, uk and us Channels?
For a small donations i can make a EPG, just like you want. Or you use Webgrab++ . Write details to conversations.
Last edited:
dos someone have the epg code for Discovery World uk ? its the only one i need. i use smat iptv txt
Is there a way for me to Edit The epg to just swedish. Uk and us? So it just loads swedish, uk and us Channels?
For a small donations i can make a EPG, just like you want. Or you use Webgrab++ . Write details to conversations.
Thank you for The offer, but im a little short on money at the moment. But i will look up webgrab.
Thanks again ☺
Is there a way for me to Edit The epg to just swedish. Uk and us? So it just loads swedish, uk and us Channels?
For a small donations i can make a EPG, just like you want. Or you use Webgrab++ . Write details to conversations.
Thank you for The offer, but im a little short on money at the moment. But i will look up webgrab.
Thanks again ☺
Look for merge-xmltv
Is there a way for me to Edit The epg to just swedish. Uk and us? So it just loads swedish, uk and us Channels?
You could download the EPG for Sweden, UK and US and merge them together to 1 file if your software don't support more than 1 file/grabber.