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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

İ am a smart iptv user an since yesterday evening i have the below screen, can you tell me what to do to got the chanels again?20191009_121332.jpg
İ am a smart iptv user an since yesterday evening i have the below screen, can you tell me what to do to got the chanels again?View attachment 6967

pls contact your reseller to help you out or reupload your playlist to your smart iptv app and use "m3u with options and mpegts link

Caliskan: I don't use the same system as you. I just waited and kept trying. I don't subscribe via a reseller. So you need to follow Marijo's advice. I can imagine that there are a helluva lot of backups to restore etc. I can imagine it's frustrating to get error messages, just as I was frustrated when - time and time again - it would not verify my device (VU+2, E2 using the XTreamTV plugin).
Nothing works here, its only me or everyone ? 2 different apps and nothing.
It's working for me and most of my clients. Waiting for response of all my clients but for now it seems to be ok. Where are you from and which ISP (internet service provider) do you have?
Discovery ID LAM
Investigation Discovery LAM
History LAM
National Geographic LAM
Are not working good, some work ok for like 3 minutes then start lagging, others dont work at all.
I think the all LAM server is failing
My iptv went down like everyone else around 4 weeks ago. (samsung smart tv) Now when i go onto iptv all of the channels are listed but they just wont connect, any help please ?
- Did you contact your reseller: Yes
- Diagnosis result: Nothing
- When the problem started: Since Friday
- Which country: Chile
- What is the exact issue: Channels do not connect
- Which type of device: LG SmartTV
- What is the error code? (if there is any): none
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First of all THANK YOU for starting having s.y Italia channels back.
Could you guys use the same source for Full HD? Almost all of the channels back are HD only.
Hello everyone,

Do you happen to know if the movies (mkv) are actually working? I always get a video error.

Everything else (channels) are working fine.
Hello everyone,

Do you happen to know if the movies (mkv) are actually working? I always get a video error.

Everything else (channels) are working fine.
VOD do not work yet.. hold on for a week or so, then you will be able to see them..
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Last two nights there were major issues and still are. Specifically whole section of switzerland is buffering.In finland section YLE TV2 HD FI is buffering etc...
The Sky Sport Austria 2 HD, 3 HD and 4 HD (only live on matchday) have never worked on matchdays and aren't working right now, even though games are currently being played. Only non HD channels are working
When you don't receive answers within 24 hours or problem isn't fixed, report it here by using this template:
(Reports without these requested details will be deleted without warning)

- Did you contact your reseller:KKZ
- Diagnosis result: None
- When the problem started:3 to 4 weeks ago
- Which country:UK
- What is the exact issue:loads the portal and then screen go black and nothing happens after that.
- Which type of device:Mag Box 256
- What is the error code? (if there is any):unavailable service on VOD
I love the fact that mods on this website try to silent everyone by deleting posts. Its clear that there are issues but there isn't enough info as it's bad for business.
My tv was down last night, during the week a couple of times, a week ago when everyone was affected (fair enough a big problem I accept that) but its down again just now.

- Did you contact your reseller: I am the reseller
- Diagnosis result: nothing loads
- When the problem started: on and off, just now is not working
- Which country:UK
- What is the exact issue:nothing plays
- Which type of device: perfect player, Nvidia
- What is the error code? (if there is any): no error
Hi All,
Following the template :
- Did you contact your reseller: I am the reseller
- Diagnosis result:channel listing loads, but no channels actually load
- When the problem started: about 4 weeks ago
- Which country: Switzerland
- What is the exact issue: nothing plays
- Which type of device: GSE Smart IPTV for Apple TV
- What is the error code? (if there is any): no error

What I find amazing here is that plenty of people are posting like me but I have yet to see a single answer or resolution. I have about 50 clients who are all coming to me for answers but of course I don't have any. Does this service even still work?

Is anyone reading this that can offer solutions? It would be much appreciated.

Eleven Sports 6 HD Portugal has a very bad resolution (640x360, or something like that).
This channel only works on Champions League matchday, wich is the case today and tomorrow.
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