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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

BBC One UK is showing a downconversion of BBC One HD instead of the BBC One London feed that has the local news
MTV Hits UK is showing MTV Hits Europe
MTV Music 24 NL is going back and forth between MTV Sweden and MTV Hits UK every few hours
TV 538 NL is showing the webcam/visual radio stream for Radio 538
Nickelodeon NL is showing the bad 1080 source that can't go 5 minutes without the encoder stalling and restarting, instead of the working SD feed
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To make sure your channel problem reports are seen and attended to, you need to report them in the correct way.

If a channel is Down, No Sound, No Picture or Wrong Channel report it at the "Channels" section (http://prntscr.com/kku652) directly from your Dashboard.

The channel does not show up at channel report - then submit a ticket from your DB.

Thank you!
I did, but it was marked "fixed" without fixing it, so I tried submitting a ticket but that was also instantly closed as "solved" without a reply.
Sky Bundesliga and Sky Sport channels are often unstable in comparison to free TV channels (Germany and Switzerland). How come?
I cant even connect to mag please check connection and the page url. This morning it worked perfect.. connection is good
I don't know but I believe this is because of your load balance thing. When Turkish Super League games are on for example I can't watch een HD BE as healthy way.
When all services are broken and you weren't able to touch anything every match even champions league matchdays were working better.

Only Galatasaray matchdays on champions league or big matches playing this is happening. Yesterday during Fener game there was every channel was working good.

Try to close load balance.
MAG device is not working for multiple clients. The channel list loads but there is no image or sound if you click on a channel. All of my MAG clients have this problem since about 3-4 days.
Right after champions league started Germany and Switzerland groups starts to having problems.
It's not only in my country Yesterday I even read problems on chat from Germany and Austria. At least right now it's not having problem in my countries channels if my ISP would attacked it would be them having problem. I know I can use vpn but I believe some reason is from Rapid. (I don't have similar issues in my backup but I love rapid's channel selection multi language options and I hope rapid can listen their viewers. And fix champions league frenzy.)
Polish channels not working for a long time :( On 50% of that especially on Polsat.. channels is buffering issue. Can you guys fix that?
MTV Rocks UK is showing the pan-European feed (for the past few days it was showing the Russian feed for VH1 Classic). The UK feed had its seasonal rebrand to VH1 Christmas this morning. You can see a real time screenshot of the UK feed here:

MTV Hits UK is also showing the pan-European feed instead of the UK feed which has various countdowns and hosted blocks. You can find a real time screenshot of the UK feed here:

I already reported these as wrong channel and contacted support. But because these UK channels have the same logos as the pan-European versions, it's easy to confuse the two. So I provided more context here with real time screenshots so you can make sure you have the right feeds.