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I just got a LG Smart TV with webos 4.0. Ive tried Smart IPTV but it is not possible to change subtitles. Read here on the forum that SS Iptv is better for VOD, and it is. Atleast there is a possible to change subtitles and the app is free. But sometimes the subs are out of sync and this is a huge problem for me. Does anybody know how to fix the sync? Or any other IPTV apps where it is possible to chaneg subtitles AND in case the subtitles sync? Thanks.
I have a LG OLED55C7 aswell. My app works fine. :)

Which exact settings did you choose on sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* when uploading? Have you tried choosing "Various" and "Enable list logos" for example? And do you upload your playlist with a link or as a file? Have you tried both versions? You could also try choosing "save online" if you haven't checked it yet.

Is your playlist encoded in UTF-8?
I have a LG OLED55C7 aswell. My app works fine. :)

Which exact settings did you choose on sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* when uploading? Have you tried choosing "Various" and "Enable list logos" for example? And do you upload your playlist with a link or as a file? Have you tried both versions? You could also try choosing "save online" if you haven't checked it yet.

Is your playlist encoded in UTF-8?
Mite I think you can help me. I have the same tv and I get the Check playlist Nr 1 message. Now when you say do I upload my playlist with a link or a file. I believe I upload with the m3u file. The thing is that it's a long file and I don't know if I'm putting it in right. I don't know where to start and where to finish.
Mite I think you can help me. I have the same tv and I get the Check playlist Nr 1 message. Now when you say do I upload my playlist with a link or a file. I believe I upload with the m3u file. The thing is that it's a long file and I don't know if I'm putting it in right. I don't know where to start and where to finish.

Hit me up in a PM and I'll try to help you solving your issue. :)
Hi there everyone. I have LG with Rapid IPTV on siptv. My line has very goog VOD with multi-sub. Only subtitle i can use is english. If i play a vod on VLC i have 12 different languages. How to change subtitle on Smart IPTV? Ill write again, on app i have only english sub.
Hi there everyone. I have LG with Rapid IPTV on siptv. My line has very goog VOD with multi-sub. Only subtitle i can use is english. If i play a vod on VLC i have 12 different languages. How to change subtitle on Smart IPTV? Ill write again, on app i have only english sub.
Yes, SmartIPTV does not support changing subtitles in LG tvs. You can use SSIPTV for that purpose which works fine.
Do you think they would to change it? Update etc?
I contacted the dev some months ago, he said that support for WebOS 2.0 wouldn't happen but that he would possibly fix the issue on WebOS 3.0. But this was a while ago and he already updated the app without fixing it so dunno if it will happen or not.
I also have an LG but I gave up on Smart with the LG. My solution is a connected AFTV box (or stick) with Smart + VLC. That way you do get the full choice of available subtitles plus you can output greater volume on bluetooth than possible with the LG.
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good choice @Skol

in Switzerland nearly nobody cares about subtitles...As everyone wants the stuff in german. there is no international movie that is not translated to german. so people here don't have the culture to watch movies in original audio with subtitles... and if they don't watch in german they want it in italian audio
If you are deaf or, as in my case, with reduced hearing you need subtitles even when the audio is in your OWN languages (English and French in my case).
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hi mates

I have 2 clients that have some smaller issues with SIPTV App on LG Smart TV.
What I know right now is that both have an LG TV with low memory. So I had to short the list. It works now but they have regulary "black screens" and then they have to switch channel forward and backward in order that it works again... of course that's a bit boring.

Can someone tell me if that's still related with the memory and I maybe have to shorten the bouquet list even more?

Myself I have Samsung TV and all other clients have aswell Samsung or LG (bit better LG with enough memory) and it works without any issues. So the problem cannot be the source and it has to be the TV? Or at least the internet provider maybe?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance and cheers.
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