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Hi all,

Just an update to say i ran unbrick sofftware again and got mag back to life and then updated it to R19 firmware but
yet again it died after a few days. I'll upload a photo of firmware revision in case I've the wrong revision.



  • IMG_1500.JPG
    1.8 MB · Views: 100
have had same prob done mine 3 times and has die after a day each time put r19 firmware on by usb
Hi sandy 22,

yeah it’s a strange one alright. I also put R19 firmware on via usb but seems to die. I came across a R18 version and put that on the box and then updated to R19 via the manual auto update option but no joy again the box dies.

@ Sandy 22
Not sure what else we can do to be honest. I thought it was just me having issues but if your having the same issue I’m at a loss
Revive the box and flash with this firmware image and let me know if the box remains stable.

Just need to wait and see now...
the process i followed for these devices was similar to yours , i revived the box then updated to the R19 public image , but then i updated to this one , and the box has remained stable.
Hi Koevoet,

just tried the file file you suggested but getting the following error. Digital signature isn’t corrrect. I retried the R19 public image and it accepted this image. Thanks.

Yeah , load the R19 public image first , then it should accept this one that i uploaded, that is how i did it.
That programmer should work as it accepts JTAG and UART , Personally don't see the need for the connector and ribbon cable unless you are doing multiple boxes , would personally just solder a few leads on to both sides...

Thanks :)
i was thinking that maybe a lot of people have dead boxes nearby so i might help them too so i get use of the things i buy :) and help save planet earth :tearsofjoy:
Hi Koevoet,

So I retried it again by flashing R19 public image first and then your file but same error keeps happening. One thing I notice is once I remove the usb stick the update image has disappeared of the usb stick lol. Thanks for your help and time really appreciated.

Make sure you are using a decent USB stick , in the mag250 folder on the usb stick do you have the bootstrap as well as the firmware image ?
Yes I’ve tried 3 usb sticks and the same error appears unfortunately. I also have the bootstrap which I’ve taken from the R19 public mag250 folder that was with the unbrick zip file.

@ Koevoet,

I managed to get it to update via usb in the portal under software settings. For some reason it didn’t like via the Bios upgrade tool method. Thanks so much for all your help and time. Guess it’s a waiting game now.

Well the standard seems to be 1-3 days , so if it lasts longer than that you should be fine.
Hi everyone,

I follow the tutorial and the blue light is back but the problem is at startup the blue screen is locked on tftp and when i go to the bios menu, the remote does not work any more.
did i forget something?
