i got it to install in win 10 when setting it to run in xpmode but still waiting for my board so i tell you later if it workedDoes the programmer work on win 10 ? Can’t seem to find device , no drivers , is it only XP
As i know only Win7 and lower. You must install st40 and st160, thes drivers works only with win7 and lower
Same here for me too. Out of curiosity which Ft2232H module did you use? On page 2 of the thread Triton posted photos. In my own case I used the top one.have tryed loads of times but carn,t get to go past the 3 day mark what am i doing wrong
@Camdtv .. apologies on your first pics the one side will all be odd numbers and the other side will be evens
so the ones you refer to as 20,19,18 are actually 20.18.16 which is your TX,RX &Gnd on the opposite side will be the JTAG side starting from 7 or 9 if i remember correctly.
@Mikeios was your 250 a clone or a genuine box ?