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@ Camdtv can you try and reload the drivers again. It’s strange the ST Micro Connect Lite is showing up under other devices as my understanding was they should show under Ports(COM & LPT) and under Universal Serial Bus controllers. I maybe wrong but that’s the way it turned out for me.

Getting mad at this ft2232 card.
I thought that was the easy bit and now i probaly programmed it wrong and can not erase or program it again?​
Okey, finally i got my Ft2232 board.
getting errors and not sure what i do really.
First, should the mag box have powersupply connected during all this ?
2nd, is my connectors on the right place ?
3rd, should jumper be set to 5v?

Please show the complet Board with all the Connectors connectet
Hi. I have a mag 250 that works fine when plugged directly into my HD TV.

As soon as I plug it into my audio/visual amplifier (Denon AVR-X3400H), I get the logo splash screen but then all mag box activity stops (no image on the TV any more and no Ethernet activity in the box). There must be something happening between the MAG and the AVR, but I am absolutely clueless.

Is there someone out there that can help out me out of my misery? I would so like to have audio playing through the AVR just the same as all of my other media devices.

Many thanks!
Hello guys!

Suddenly alot of my Mag250 Customers are having problem with their box turning og or wven worse getting stuck at the loading screen. They have to unplug the box and restart the box withaout the ethernet cable inserted, from page loading error screen they insert the cable again and press ok at TRY AGAIN and then it works.

While watching the remote can stop working and the box freezes and a restart is in need.

If it was one box that would be fine but now its like 40-50 of them.

Any ideas?
Same problem with my Mag250 I got an update message on the box with the december 19 firmware.
I thought it was an regular update so I updated it and now the mag250 does not work anymore.

Box does not react to anything anymore. Does anyone have a solution? Flashing it back via usb or something?
Hello everybody, i have succesfully flashed my dead mag250 back to life. I used a jtag to programm the bootloader back to flash

regards Triton
Hello one question.
What software needed install bootloader.
I have FT2232 and mlprog.
abput 1 week ago mag 250 have startet turning pff virwingand das not start so yu have topull it from the power to start itagain - have enough solution to make changes in aettings ? pleas make suggestions?
@ jipro2002
All the relevant files you require and info are included in a zip file in the 5th post on page one of this thread as posted by Triton.
i find this in anather forum
" I am a local supplier of MAG devices. I have seen hundreds or good devices, however, a recent firmware update (maybe in the last 6 Months or so) has been giving me issues with many 254/256 devices I sell. All would be working well until you switch off your TV. HDMI-CEC feature included in the update would then switch off the device as well, (apparently it's a default feature now?). The issue is that when you switch on the device afterwards, it would just not boot via its own remote, only a hard reset will make it work again. I have disabled 'HDMI EVENT REACTION' in the settings but to no avail"

I have build a Interface with the large Board, absolutly no Problem !!!
Attention to the Updater arounf the Globe. I have recived from a User a couple of Boards, but i can´t update a view of them.
After take a closer Look, there are mag250 Boards with PCB Version V3. These Boards can´t be updated, be aware.
V4 are OK
To resolve this issue, please go to: Settings \ Interface \ Stand by mode \ and set it to - Active
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