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did you try the standard password ?

the same like for the XX channels:





and other question can you enter the internal prtal when you press the setup button ?
Press and hold service button (FN) on back side of STB until STB is power off, or during 2 seconds after power on. Switching between modes done by releasing button at specific time according to LED indication.

There are 4 modes:
STB load from first U-boot;
Switch to alternanive NAND;
Reset to default settings;
“Emergency” - STB Boot from USB/DHCP;

Mode 1. Press and hold service button, power on STB. Waint until LED indicator change it's mode (LED is white, slow blinking). If button button will be released STB will load in mode 1. Not releasing of button - STB will go to mode 2.
Mode 2. (White LED, fast blink). If button button will be released STB will load in mode 2. Continue to hold will result in - go to mode 3.
Mode 3. (Red LED, fast blink). If button button will be released STB will load in mode 3. Continue to hold will result in - go to mode 4.
Mode 4. (Red LED, without blinking). If button button will be released STB will load in mode 4. Continue to hold will result in - Standart load.
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I ve had the same problem with one client and I solve this problem with >Force reset<
Thank you all for your replies.

The MAG 256 is actually at my brothers house and I am setting off on holiday in 30 minutes so I won't be able to try out any of your suggestions until I get back from holiday in 7 days.

(I have tried some of them before I asked on here)
I will try again when I get back and let you know how I get on.

Thank you once more.

Regards, The Soulman.
I ve had the same problem with one client and I solve this problem with >Force reset<

Hi Ziberi, what do you mean with Force Reset? I cannot reset with new firmware on USB because it says wrong image (a company must have loaded a modified firmware).

Would a Force Reset remove this modified firmware and get it back to original firmware?
try to hard reset from BIOS settings. Follow the @Rusax instruction.

Tv is set correctly i.e. Screen saver off

but after a while when my mag 256 is running it goes to the clock dancing around the screen

I cant see how to disable screen saver in latest firmware

What recommend the people here :-) I have a Philips TV and it does not work well with the SS-Iptv app. I want a good and stable box and have read that many people use MAG... Some recommend 254 and others 256. I need to order something already tonight because my Philips does not work in principle at all.
Do not buy MAG 250 - too old. I recommend the MAG 254. The MAG 256 is a bit stronger and has HEVC-256 (h256) with the newest (stream) compression. But till I know, no IPTV provider is doing it - maybe in the far future. :blush:
MAG 256 W2 or TVIP v.412?
On forum "MAG Box > what mag box do should i buy?!?!?!" the guy harrypotter is fan of the TVIP v.412. Ask him the difference.
A MAG2xx with STALKER Portal is used for the easy using for (elderly) people, who do not want to "learn" to manage the (Android-) Box. I use the TVIP 410 (no WiFi) odr TVIP 412 (with WiFi) which use also STALKER Portal, but is faster and starts up 3x faster.

Infomir.eu writes:
MAG255 is a closed platform that does not allow image modification. It has an integrated Verimatrix content security solution. It is intended for operators that already use Verimatrix.

If your operator did not modify the MAG255 it should work like MAG254, which is the same model but without Verimatrix.
I dind't test it til now. But the reseller harrypotter is very firm in the TVIP Boxes :blush: