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Hi I have smart tv on my LG tv sip.tv & I bought a mag box with a 12 month gift, I noticed my smart iptv app details appeared in the 2nd portal so I was fiddling around with both servers , I don't know much about mag boxes so was struggling abit with it all , Anyway I started to notice problems with the mag 351 box & it crash or just stick with no response from remote as time went on more & more problems were appearing so I decided to return the box ie eBay, I sent a request form but the guy clearly didn't want me to return it & said he would come to my address & replace it. This all felt wrong as I wanted to ensure my refund of £250 but the guy wouldn't was resisting in ever way possible, I finally rang eBay & they sent me a returns label ×₩When the guy received this he started texting me on watts app telling me to send it to his address & he would fix it if broken but would not refund me. Then he asked me if I had been using another server in the portal which worried me slightly sensing how desperate he was in not reimbursing me He then asked me if I had been using a different service which sip.tv was showing up in my 2nd portal even though I didn't request them to do this, So I'm very worried he may use this as a means not to reimburse me by saying it was the 2nd server which was crashing the box etc. I'm due to return it tomorrow but am very concerned that once he sees the sip,tv portal no 2 he may very well use that as a means to say the box itself us not faulty. I have emailed sip,tv & my other provider which works through my smart tv app & is now on my mag box . I have asked both if this address could be deleted from the mag box as I am returning it tomorrow & I don't want him to use this as ammunition , I'm desperate to get the sip,tv details out of portal server number 2 , Does anybody know who us responsible for doing this ie would it be sip.tv or the iptv supplier I use with sip,tv . so as it will only his subscription in portal one as the mag box came with 12 month subscription which is in portal one. I am really concerned as the guy will do anything not to reimburse me & use any means he can in blaming the 2nd portal server which I did switch from 1 to the other last night whilst fiddling with the mag 253 as I'm not very clued up with mag boxes I cannot see a way to simply remove portal 2 server or it is a screen with dark letters which I don't think can be deleted hence me contacted both my iptv provider and sip,tv. it does say sip.tv in the 2nd portal. I wondered if anyone could help with some advice or knowledge on this as I fear I will not receive my money back from this guy . It seems very odd how persistent he is in his approach to my simple return request, if I'm honest I believe the box is a fake as it really was problem after problem Deb969
Deb969 I think you will find on the portal page there is a place to switch on & off the chance to use all portals or one i.e. If it is off it will only use portal 1
Thankyou i am new to all this and abit thich with technology. My smart tv app sip.tv .. keeps saying it needs a new update. I only started using it maybe a week ago or so but because of rumours ie Samsung tv updates removing the smart tv app . Im worried about updating the LG smart tv app i have also unticked all updates to my LG smart tv...
i have 5 magboxes 254 in the same building and none of them work...... is there anybody who knows if there is a problem if you have 5 boxes in the same house ....i have telia broadband in the house and everything works but not the boxes

Infomir released new firmware and all boxes need to be updated. Use exactly portal that we give you and change DNS to or or

DNS on MAG box change to or or > System settings > Network > Wired (Ethernet) > Auto (DHCP), manual DNS


please try the line using different DNS

Google DNS: or
Cloudflare DNS: or
Open DNS: or
DNS Watch: or

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can i use the mag box Mac address to a STB emulator software on an andriod device only by using one at a time, I have tried it but it says stb blocked call provider. Also with the same seller activation an android device it can work on multiple device, only mag box mac address does not support mutiple device any suggestion for this matter also saw a post on other website they had mention that need to get the device_id and device_id2 from mag box and use it on stbemu has any one retreive this info from mag box if so how to or any suggestions. Thank you
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With the new update of STB Emu, I have the same problem - it says stb blocked call provider.

Please try to use different DNS

Google DNS: or
Cloudflare DNS: or
Open DNS: or
DNS Watch: or


Got a problem with a friends box. It is a mag 254 and When he watch a channel, does not depend wich channel, it starts with The sound stuttering and then picture blacks out for one or two seconds before it turns back to normal. Have not find any solutions to this problems. It happens alot.

Best regards

Try to update the BOX and change the DNS to or or

DNS on MAG box change to or or > System settings > Network > Wired (Ethernet) > Auto (DHCP), manual DNS

Is it possible to put a surfstick to a mag? If I want internet for some days only? Or is the data to limited for streaming?
Surfstick to MAG will not work. Surfstick data is limited and not sought for streaming.
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Hello everyone. First time posting here. I recently got mag 324w2 . When I launch external portal given by my iptv, i get this " Firmware of your stb is outdated. Please update it" error when lauching the external portal. Although i have updated the firmware of the stb to the latest firmware through the embedded portal but I still get the error during external portal launch. Does anyone here have any suggestions?