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I've premission to have 2 connections at the same time.
When watching with 2 lines at the same time not problem but after changing channel on one of the lines the other line (where channel is not changed) looses connection and needs to be reconnected.

When connecting again with the dropped line it works all perfect, but its kind of annoying.

Raspberry pi 3 (1) and Macbookpro + kodi/VLC (2)

Is there anything we can do about it?
What happens if you stop the stream and wait a few seconds before starting a new channel?
Probably it doesn't drop the 2nd connection fast enough before new connection is opened.
When ever i watch a high profike football game the screen stops goea black theb comes back this hapoeneds every 60secs or so.

This is not just me as have a mate with this service same issues.

Multiple channels same issue.

I have 30mb bt internet

He has 100mb virgin internet

Any ideas?

We do run through xstream editor.

Anyone else have this issue please help
When ever i watch a high profike football game the screen stops goea black theb comes back this hapoeneds every 60secs or so.

This is not just me as have a mate with this service same issues.

Multiple channels same issue.

I have 30mb bt internet

He has 100mb virgin internet

Any ideas?

We do run through xstream editor.

Anyone else have this issue please help
Currently issue on man u man city game live now sky sports main event uk sports also prem sky sports and usa sports channel
when you say "we do run thru xtream editor", are you both using the same link from xtream
when you say "we do run thru xtream editor", are you both using the same link from xtream

Not at all mate two different accounts... if you watch sky sports main event now you will see what i mean.

Seems like high demand as never happends on anything else or other sports events :(
ill check main event fhd now, i am also going thru xtream editor so ill let you know in 10 mins or so
Sorry for late reply. But here both channels were fine. I'm on bt infinity 2 80/20 speed. My tvs and formuler box are direct Ethernet connected.
Sorry for late reply. But here both channels were fine. I'm on bt infinity 2 80/20 speed. My tvs and formuler box are direct Ethernet connected.

Okay thats really stange may try connecting direct then it happends only on man u games like i saod not just me mate too.

Wonder if xtream editor setting could be causong issue but why only on united games lol i have no idea what the issue could be.

As you have just rulled out isp haha
I got even worse 2 weeks ago. I received a ban since the system thought I had more than 2 lines open at the same moment. So far I havn't found any solution.

I've premission to have 2 connections at the same time.
When watching with 2 lines at the same time not problem but after changing channel on one of the lines the other line (where channel is not changed) looses connection and needs to be reconnected.

When connecting again with the dropped line it works all perfect, but its kind of annoying.

Raspberry pi 3 (1) and Macbookpro + kodi/VLC (2)

Is there anything we can do about it?

Then you need to check setting in youre house like the QOS setting,

I use 3 lines in my house so i can test when someone says there is a problem.

i always test on:

Nvidia Shield: Smart iptv, Perfect player and Kodi ( all same link) i use kille command before opening another app

MAGBox 322 and VLC player