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As far as I know, the parental lock isn't available on Smart IPTV.
i saw that smart tvs have the app tvip, does anyone where and how to config that app? my customers how i told above will test smart stb and will see if the problem is solved with that, but how i also told the app is very very expensive, tvip app should be cheaper but didnt find how to activate it

extract your playlist with the converter: http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/converter/
Then upload the list on to your SMART-iptv by using: http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/mylist/
Further instruction here: http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/howto

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I have had problems with samsung tvs in the past 4 weeks too. I changed the dns on the tvs that had a problem and never had any problems since. I don't know if you have tried this already.
I have samsung smart iptv app on livingroom 2 years now end never have a single problem. In the bedroom i have formuler z7+ for a year. At home i have 150mb internet conection. It Works perfect.
I have had problems with samsung tvs in the past 4 weeks too. I changed the dns on the tvs that had a problem and never had any problems since. I don't know if you have tried this already.

hi thanks for your respond, i have to say, dns i changed but it was on the router and not in the device directly. so its a good idea that customer can try. the thing is that its depending too much customers
can I have two or more iptv subscriptions from different providers on my smart tv app?
if yes then how do i switch between the subscriptions?
the link for further instructions is off.
I need help blocking adult channels.
thank you
I am a reseller and want to block my client. How can I do it.
You can help
Just un click it from boquete
I do not want to delete from the list.
I want to put a password so the children can not access.

Smart IPTV app doesn't have this option to lock channels.
