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I got my new Android TV box yesterday. I've installed Kodi and everything's working.
But it takes at least 20 minutes to download the EPG (importing guide from clients) and I have set to only download guides for 1 day. Is this normal?
Install kodi 17, it will be faster
Do you have any problems with low framerate on kodi 17 when watching full HD channels? And is there a solution for that?
I can suggest you Smart IPTV application
You can edit the big list to a smaller list with notepad++
Just delete the channels you dont/never watch.
Loading will be fast.
Hello, i need some help getting rapid tv on my shield tv. Do I have to download a specific app or can I use kodi?

thanks for quick reply, can I use the trial for rapid, on the Smart iptv app?
Yes of course, I suggest to upload the link and use keep online utility

One last question, do I need to add MAC adress to some website ?
Open the app, show you what Mac adress you have to use, and put it on website sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******
There is tutorial on the forum by the way
I'm trying to setup the 410 box but i only get application error when everything is finished.

In the MAG tutorial video there are two portals, 1 and 2, but on the TVIP410 i only have one field. Which address should i type there?
I'm trying to setup the 410 box but i only get application error when everything is finished.

In the MAG tutorial video there are two portals, 1 and 2, but on the TVIP410 i only have one field. Which address should i type there?

The best way is in the system settings -> TV -> m3u list you configure your link than the epg link... And it works :)

If you need help, PM me...
Hey i am using Nvidia Shield TV too..
SipTV is good but i tryed all the apps even KODI, i was happy with Perfect Player.
I'd suggest, try Perfect Player, more options and a friendly UI.
Options like: Start on boot etc is handy for IPTV
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Hello im new here and i need your help... i dont know why but it dont work for me i get Stream failed on siptv... my IP is not banned... can someone please help me?

i use a android tv