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Enigma 2 Technical Issues

Hi friends,
These days i am trying to find out how to install entire Iptv to Enigma box but i didnt have so much success.
First of all i need instruction how to find out what kind of model my customer is using of Enigma box,how to find out?
Later i need to know step by step what to do,from 1st step till the last...
I found many posts and a lot of different explanations but non of them didn't work,so probably i am doing something wrong.Please tell me from where to start and what to do?
I will be really happy if someone can help me about this problem,many of my customers are using Enigma boxes and i cant sell them anything because of this problem.
Thank you in advance.
You can use EPG with Suls Plugin Enigma IPTV Bouquet and enter your user/pass and it will download EPG :)
The plugin start to cruhing my box. after 10 min watching giving me green screen. Is anyone have any idea?
dm800se OpenPli, but i think the problem was just because i installed wrong plugin. It was miples, but suppose to be mipsel32.
it's been still crushing, but just once a while. Now i'm testing without xtremetv plugin on openATV, and so far working well. Later i'll try with plugin and i will tell you how it works.
I still use the box with normal enigma, EPG is not good on Plugin, but play around, see what you like.
For me subtitles was very important, and I was thinking I can get subtitles only thru plugin, but it works well without plugin. EPG not very important to me.
You can use EPG with Suls Plugin Enigma IPTV Bouquet and enter your user/pass and it will download EPG :)
Wich provider do use use with Suls Plugin? Is it ******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******?
Hey guys,

i hope someone of you has a solution for this or suggestion.

My customer was using the perfect player over the fire tv stick. It runs good, since i added the plugin xtreamtv to his enigma device (added the id to the dashboard) no other device runs anymore.

One college told to change his password of the line, but that also doesnt help.

Has anyone knowledge about that issue?A Solution or an idea?
I have the same issue but for me it works to press diagnosis and then it will pop up line password invalid and press resolve. It always happens after using enigma2 plugin it seems to mess up the other.
I have the same issue but for me it works to press diagnosis and then it will pop up line password invalid and press resolve. It always happens after using enigma2 plugin it seems to mess up the other.

thanks for your reply, do i understand you right, it comes up everytime you use the xtream tv plugin, then you start the diagnostic , then it works and after using i have to start again the diagnostic?
I have the same issue but for me it works to press diagnosis and then it will pop up line password invalid and press resolve. It always happens after using enigma2 plugin it seems to mess up the other.

thanks for your reply, do i understand you right, it comes up everytime you use the xtream tv plugin, then you start the diagnostic , then it works and after using i have to start again the diagnostic?
Yes that is how I do it atm.
Hi, since i sterted to use Xtreme Editor to transfer epg to my Enigma box, i just realize that picture on every channel i change is pixelated for a few second. I didn't see that effect before when i was transfering a list stright to my box. Is anyone have the same?