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Enigma 2 Technical Issues

I have zgemma h2s and runs smooth with xtream-editor, have you updated to the latest image on your box... out of the firmware i tried ipab is a fav of mine with good support from there fb page
Hi, I have dm920 UHD and so far i cannot find to many software to use on my box. I'm using stock one "opendreambox 2.5". I was checking on Dream Elite also and it was the same. I mean xtreme editor working pretty good, i can make changes of channels, grouping, add EPG and smoothly send to my box. But that pixeling after channel changing is strange. It just happening for a few second more or less on different channels. Before i didn't see that at all, but i was sending line stright to box. Maybe it's a box OS, but so far i need to wait for dreambox update. I just connect to xtreme editor link to download my line from source. Maybe it would be better load line locally, but i don't think so that could be a reason. Overall that is not a big problem, but just ennoying.
I have a Dreambox 900 UHD and i use openatv. For me is that the best Software for dreambox. I have no problem with it.
I've been using IPTV on both, but also on VTI for quite a long time.
I do not see any difference.
More than the image, more important is the decoder and above all the server
But VTI is for VU+ Boxes
I use this image on my VU+ Ultimo and freeze all the time. Since i change to OpenPLi works perfect.
A clients Dreambox 800 with Nemesis -> bad, i change to OpenPli and works perfect - same Box, same Internet, same Line
an other Dreambox 820 with NewNigma2 -> very bad, i change to OpenATV and works without any freezing - same Box, same Inernet ...
and so on ... i set-up a lot of Enigma Boxes and my expirience say, hands away from VTI, Black Hole, Newnigma for IPTV
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Yes VTI is only for VU+ boxes.
My Vu+ sole SE works perfect on IPTV with VTI 9, 11 or 13 image version, Rapid included.
The rest is personal preference

Most of my customers seem to be having buffering and noise crackling on zgemma boxes were as my customers using smart iptv and perfect player are unaffected so not sure where the issues is.

My servers are 10gig so not the issue
For more buffer in Enigma2

Change the normal 1:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:URL:NAME in links to this

4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:URL:NAME (no buffering)
4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:URL:NAME (buffering enabled)
4097:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:3:URL:NAME (progressive download and buffering enabled)

If anyone have got both epg and subtitles working on an dm800se ... ( viasat and canaldigital swedish)

Can you please send that image and version you have installed?
And maybe how you got everything working.

It works.
Go to .
Auto Language selection
Audio Language 1 Sweden
Subtitle 1 Sweden.
Am running a DM800HD sim2.01 clone here with OpenPli4 and IPTV. Runs great for couple of years now. but i give up the EPG thing here. Don't get it stable . Look like its a memory/flash thing of those clone boxes

I see this post is a little old but maybe you have not solved your problem.
I can recommend you swap your SimCard 2.01 to a new JapharSIM there are two sorts,
one which is programmed specifically for your Box..NO update.!
the second is for your box as well BUT can be updated at a later time if needed.!
Costs are €35 incl P&P.
I did this.... GOT JapharSim, new image OpenPLI with IPTV added my Line via FTP now working IPTV..Works a treat.!!!
I had all my boxes with Ferrari and Sim2.01, but support has stopped completely for both Teams and so this is the way forward.
If you get stuck ask I will Help if I can.
hi all,
my name is Barbera and im new to this so pls forgive me if someone else has asked this question.

ive recently got iptv working on my vu solo2 box with a ipab image and watched a youtube video and got epg working perfectly.
and had been working fine for 3 days, with each morning it updating it.

one night i switched box off and in the morning when box was switched back on, epg had disappeared. so as usual, i went into menu, clicked on the epg importer plugin, press yellow button to download epg and it started to download, as seen in top left corner,

the number got to 106,000 or so events and then i saved by pressing green button. then went back to channel list and no epg.

done this a few times and still the same, each time it downloads to about 105,00 events and then save it but then doesnt load it for some reason or so.

ive checked the usb drive just in case and it does download epg onto it, a .dat file.
when the usb drive in plugged into box, and the epg is downloading, the light on the usb drive flashes but doesnt hen transfer it to box.

ive also tried to load from the usb drive by going to settings, epg and then load epg and still nothing.
so i can download, but it wont then load and fill in the epg.

ive not changed any options since it was working 1 day ago, only turned off box for the night.
but i did that the night before and the epg still loaded the day after but this time it wont.

ive tried a different usb drive and it does the same, download onto it but then doest add to box.

any help will be appreciated.

okay it is working but why is the channel switching so very slow (in contrast to other IPTV's)
And why I can not record ? (in contrast to other IPTV's)
Is rapid support xstream_editor plugin on dream?
okay it is working but why is the channel switching so very slow (in contrast to other IPTV's)
And why I can not record ? (in contrast to other IPTV's)
Is rapid support xstream_editor plugin on dream?
it totally depends on your BOX profile (Processor, RAM and etc).
Yes, our service also support Xtream Editor
I have another provider and there I can record and the switching is like switching sat channels..
How Do I use xtream editor with your service?
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