I have zgemma h2s and runs smooth with xtream-editor, have you updated to the latest image on your box... out of the firmware i tried ipab is a fav of mine with good support from there fb page
I agreeI have a Dreambox 900 UHD and i use openatv. For me is that the best Software for dreambox. I have no problem with it.
Am running a DM800HD sim2.01 clone here with OpenPli4 and IPTV. Runs great for couple of years now. but i give up the EPG thing here. Don't get it stable . Look like its a memory/flash thing of those clone boxes
Hello,how do I install the Enigma 2 OE 1.6 Auto Script ? On Dreambox ?
Hello,okay it is working but why is the channel switching so very slow (in contrast to other IPTV's)
And why I can not record ? (in contrast to other IPTV's)
Is rapid support xstream_editor plugin on dream?
I have another provider and there I can record and the switching is like switching sat channels..
How Do I use xtream editor with your service?
Hello,I mean xtream editor enigma plugin!