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Enigma 2 Technical Issues

I have tested Open Pli, OpenATV and VTI with IPTV. The latest version work all perect.
Choosing one becomes question of preference.
I have been using OBH open donki private build:opendonki-4.2.030

Runs Xtream plugin no problem.

Here's a screen a took a while back when i first flashed it, menu's are chabs sky Q skin and cool epg.


  • IMG_1058 - Copy.JPG
    IMG_1058 - Copy.JPG
    1.8 MB · Views: 74
Anyone has a problem with VOD on enigma boxes ? i have the same problem on 2 devices (zgemma 2s) image openatv- VOD not working
Anyone has a problem with VOD on enigma boxes ? i have the same problem on 2 devices (zgemma 2s) image openatv- VOD not working
How are the devices setup, what plugin are they using if any?
Anyone has a problem with VOD on enigma boxes ? i have the same problem on 2 devices (zgemma 2s) image openatv- VOD not working
How are the devices setup, what plugin are they using if any?
Im using xtream editor to load my own list with epg( no xtream plugin or anything like that )
But VTI is for VU+ Boxes
I use this image on my VU+ Ultimo and freeze all the time. Since i change to OpenPLi works perfect.
A clients Dreambox 800 with Nemesis -> bad, i change to OpenPli and works perfect - same Box, same Internet, same Line
an other Dreambox 820 with NewNigma2 -> very bad, i change to OpenATV and works without any freezing - same Box, same Inernet ...
and so on ... i set-up a lot of Enigma Boxes and my expirience say, hands away from VTI, Black Hole, Newnigma for IPTV

I agree just converted over from OpenVIX to ATV works a treat
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via the dashboard I'm able to download the EPG files for each country. I have to login to the dashboard and then I can download the EPG files.
For a CLI download like 'wget' - which URL I have to use to download the EPG files directly?

When I try to connect from putty to my Vu+ Solo2 , it shuts down and says "connection closed by remote host"

Anyone who can help me??

Ps. I can connect from my browser to my box , but not fron putty...
tried to connect with DCC-E2..

I get this message "error 10057 socket is not connected"
To use iptv, Open BlackHole (OBH) is the best image, this is my personal experience.
Hi all ive got a vu solo2 just got a iptv line and works fine but the epg is rubbish want it like the sky epg do I need to change skin on box or any suggestion helpful thanks
Hello everyone,
after a lot of playing about i have finally manage to load my IPTV subscription to my vu+zero box (openvix) with the e2m3u bouquet plugin.
the channels are working fine and i know how to do the custom mapping to sort the channels / groups.

the only problem i am having is loading the epg to link to my channels,
can anyone here help me.
my IPTV provider did not provide me with a unique epg url but he told me to find them here

i have found these here :

can anyone please point me in the right direct to get my epg up and running
it would be much appreciated

tried also everything to make it working.. unfortunately i cant get EPG on my enigma2 box (VU 4K)