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Enigma 2 Technical Issues

Hello. I simply can’t get the epg to work.
Can anyone please help ?
I’m using it in vu+ zero box. Enigma 2. Vix image.
Here's the thing. Recently my XtreamTV plugin (v.0.0.4) downloaded from my resellers dashboard started behaving differently, First, when starting the plugin, it displays a buffering message and then on some channels the picture freezes after a couple of seconds, BBC Brit and BBC Earth beeing examples but there are more channels affected. I downgraded to v.0.0.1 and now they work perfectly. I'd like to try to upgrade as I know from google searches that there are higer? versions (0.0.6 and 0.1.1) I've tried some of them but I am not validated so I'm guessing they are provider specific. Any thoughts on this?
Solved! For som reason (not knowingly) I've managed to set player type to 2 in settings. It is corrected and working as before. However, is ther a newer version avaliable than the 0.0.4 version I'm currently at?
Hi there,
Using xtream on vu duo VIX.... I can't get the series section in the VOD, I have ticked it unticked it ticked unticked it in dashboard but nothing, also some of the items unticked are still there eg: Arabic channels Italian channels German VOD that's more irritating than anything but would really like the VOD series. Any help appreciated
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Hi im using /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh in vu boxes and black hole imag, all movie channels swedish hang after 5-10 seconds. alla other channels work normal. Any solution about it??
I get problems with my enigma devices.

I testet
VU+ Zero 2
VU+ Zero UNO

All on OpenAtv 6.2

I working with boquets created with e2m3u2boquet.py

I have service app installed and try with all service ids: 4097=Gstreamer 5001=GSTplayer and 5002=extEplayer3

In HD Channels (not all) i see stuttering channels
I see the same channels on my computer running fine.

So do u have any tips for configuring?

What protocol do u use for ur enigma devices?
Hi there,
Using xtream on vu duo VIX.... I can't get the series section in the VOD, I have ticked it unticked it ticked unticked it in dashboard but nothing, also some of the items unticked are still there eg: Arabic channels Italian channels German VOD that's more irritating than anything but would really like the VOD series. Any help appreciated

The same problem here. The support department told me that we have to uninstall the plugin and re-install it again to solve the problem.

Somehow the Plugin keeps it in the Cache and I don't know how to delete the Cache.
The same problem here. The support department told me that we have to uninstall the plugin and re-install it again to solve the problem.

Somehow the Plugin keeps it in the Cache and I don't know how to delete the Cache.
which E2 device are you using?
which E2 device are you using?

I'm using a Dreambox DM 920 UHD 4K with Newnigma2. I've installed the file XtreamTV_0.0.4_oe25_arm.deb.

Just now I've uninstalled XtreamTV and re-installed it. But the problem remains. There should be a possibility to remove the config and cache file from XtreamTV?
years ago I installed the enigma 2 autoscript via telnet. How can I delete it or disable it for a while?
I am running my iptv line on both smart iptv app on my TV and xtream tv enigma 2 on my vu+ uno 4k box of course not at the same time, every thing runs so smooth on my smart app, but there are a lot of issues on my vu+ box( freezing, time delay, waiting , etc) , is this normal? Thanks.
I am running my iptv line on both smart iptv app on my TV and xtream tv enigma 2 on my vu+ uno 4k box of course not at the same time, every thing runs so smooth on my smart app, but there are a lot of issues on my vu+ box( freezing, time delay, waiting , etc) , is this normal? Thanks.

Wich image you use on your vu+?
The best images are OpenPLI or OpenATV
Ive tried to update XtreamTV from 0.0.1mips32el to 0.1.1mips32el. But it wont work i just get this message
I Have DM 800hdse V2 and Openatv 6.2
Does anyone have any idea what might me wrong?

Remove the OLD version (opkg remove XtreamTV) then install the new version. If you still get this error Reinstall again the E2 Image (Openatv 6.2) then try our plugin.

Ive tried both but no success.
Tested another Xtream plugin and it works but its the wrong setup in these so I cant connect to server. And the Old one also works. Any Idea what might me Wrong?
Ive tried both but no success.
Tested another Xtream plugin and it works but its the wrong setup in these so I cant connect to server. And the Old one also works. Any Idea what might me Wrong?

please check your PM where we send you the Plugin.
