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Hey estiptvnet. I don't know if it's within your power to fix but is it possible for you to change the "&" to a regular "&" in your guides? Kodi doesn't seem to understand "&" as it should. Thanks.
Hey estiptvnet. I don't know if it's within your power to fix but is it possible for you to change the "&" to a regular "&" in your guides? Kodi doesn't seem to understand "&" as it should. Thanks.
Thanks for info, i deal with that.
So do i need to do something? I mean if i have already a linkbto epg from before. Do i need to update it with a new link? Or i don't need to do anything and it should work.
Hi, I'm using PVR IPTV Simple Client for Kodi on my RPi2 and Polish EPG is missing some channels ie whole group of Canal+. I can see that EPG file and Rapid list both have same names but EPG is still not loading.
Any solution to fix it.
Thanks in advance
Hi, I'm using PVR IPTV Simple Client for Kodi on my RPi2 and Polish EPG is missing some channels ie whole group of Canal+. I can see that EPG file and Rapid list both have same names but EPG is still not loading.
Any solution to fix it.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for info, i check this.
Thanks, everything works as it should regarding epg "guide" but how do I get the tv icons?
Tried out the IPTV one and it crashed Kodi, however, UK works perfectly.

Currently loading up the EU one to see if that works.

Many thanks for the great work.