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Is there any workaround? So I wont have to spend hours sorting it again or am I fucked?
I’ve noticed the France EPG is 24hrs behind reality! ‘Todays’ listing shows yesterday’s programs and ‘Tomorrows’ listing shows today’s programs. Is there anything that can be done to correct this?
I’ve noticed the France EPG is 24hrs behind reality! ‘Todays’ listing shows yesterday’s programs and ‘Tomorrows’ listing shows today’s programs. Is there anything that can be done to correct this?
is ist just france, if it would be all, you can use the timeshift
Turkish epg has some problems i listed them below. (For http://epg.clientportal.link//turkish.xml.gz )

1) Some channels has different sources with same names so that i think they are not working.

For example:

<channel id="Kanal D HD TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Kanal D HD TR</display-name>

<channel id="KANAL D HD TR">
<display-name lang="tr">KANAL D HD TR</display-name>

These channels are in epg:

Kanal D HD TR
Beyaz TV TR
Flash TV TR...

( i didnt check all i will and update when i have time)​

2) Also sporekrani.com not a relaible source for epg. it only shows live events not all programmes even sometimes nothing. Instead of sporekrani.com can be use digiturk or d-smart for their own channel. (bein sports channels digitürk)

<channel id="Bein Sports 3 TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Bein Sports 3 TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/04161b4e6a4a38fdd151576a958385ba.png" />

These channels:

<channel id="FOX Sports HD TR">
<display-name lang="tr">FOX Sports HD TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/20effb721b9550764d43ab96e362583e.png" />
<channel id="Bein Sports 3 TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Bein Sports 3 TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/04161b4e6a4a38fdd151576a958385ba.png" />
<channel id="TRT Spor TR">
<display-name lang="tr">TRT Spor TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/01d17-trt-spor61.png" />
<channel id="NTV Spor HD TR">
<display-name lang="tr">NTV Spor HD TR</display-name>
<channel id="Eurosport 2 HD TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Eurosport 2 HD TR</display-name>
<channel id="Bein Sports 2 TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Bein Sports 2 TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/bd9e646390f2747c33e2f6bf60711c9f.png" />
<channel id="Bein Sports 4 TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Bein Sports 4 TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/e737623be188d9d27951cee5998678a0.png" />
<channel id="Bein Sports TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Bein Sports TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/04161b4e6a4a38fdd151576a958385ba.png" />
<channel id="Bein Sports Kanal 91 TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Bein Sports Kanal 91 TR</display-name>
<channel id="TRT Avaz TR">
<display-name lang="tr">TRT Avaz TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/006da-trt-avaz.png" />
<channel id="Bein Sports Kanal 92 TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Bein Sports Kanal 92 TR</display-name>
<channel id="TV 8.5 TR">
<display-name lang="tr">TV 8.5 TR</display-name>
<channel id="Beyaz TV TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Beyaz TV TR</display-name>
<icon src="https://www.sporekrani.com/uploads/tv/tv_518c035d1f946.png" />
<channel id="Kanal 58 Sivas TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Kanal 58 Sivas TR</display-name>
<channel id="Kanal 16 Bursa TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Kanal 16 Bursa TR</display-name>
<channel id="Kanal 3 Afyon TR">
<display-name lang="tr">Kanal 3 Afyon TR</display-name>

Please change them with digitürk or d-smart source.

3) Also some channels missing in epg. I wrote these channels and avaible source.

Tivibu Spor HD TR
Tivibu Spor 2 HD TR
Tivibu Spor 3 HD TR
Tivibu Spor 4 HD TR


TV 8 HD TR (http://www.digiturk.com.tr/yayin-akisi#/kanal/liste/26)
TV 360 TR (http://www.digiturk.com.tr/yayin-akisi#/kanal/liste/30)
A2 TR (http://www.digiturk.com.tr/yayin-akisi#/kanal/liste/490)

bein Series TR Channels
bein Movies TR Channels
( http://www.digiturk.com.tr/yayin-akisi)

Thanks. I will update when i have more time.
Ok thanks. Just tried that and great, that looks to be ok, apologies for any confusion. I am sure I tried that before as well...I must be going mad :-)

thanks for the support.
Apologies for revisiting this France EPG issue. Your estiptvnet France EPG is totally correct from a data and date perspective, it's great. Unfortunately when I load it into GSE IPTV player, there is no link between the channels and the EPG. I have to view the EPG in its entirety to view it, not individually whilst viewing a channel. I think I have come to the conclusion as to the cause of the problem? I am loading my playlist as m3u with options, looking at the tvg-id within estiptvnet's EPG data, they don't match the channel IDs within the m3u loaded from http://clientportal.link:80/ Obviously I making a massive assumption that they should match, please correct me if I am wrong :-)

So for example, let's take Canal+ Cinema FR......

My M3u contains the following:-
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="CanalPlusCinema.fr" tvg-name="Canal+ Cinéma FR" tvg-logo="http://picon.space/canalpluscinema.png" group-title="France",Canal+ Cinéma FR

Your EPG FR_guide.xml file contains the following lines:-
<channel id="Canal+ Cinéma FR">
<display-name lang="fr">Canal+ Cinéma FR</display-name>

So the tvg-id and channel IDs don't match. Now does that matter? I don't know, but I do know that when viewing a channel within GSE IPTV I don't get any EPG data displayed.

If I then compare the above with say the broken EPG from http://epg.clientportal.link/france.xml.gz which contains the following lines:-

<channel id="CanalPlusCinema.fr">
<display-name lang="fr">CANAL+ CINEMA FR</display-name>
<icon src="http://epg.canal-plus.com/mycanal/img/CHN43FB/PNG/87X64/CHN43FB_198.PNG" />

I then see the correct Channel ID value that matches the tvg-id within the M3u file and the EPG data displays whilst viewing a channel. Unfortunately the data within this XML is 24hours behind reality, which is a right pain!

@estiptvnet I appreciate the help you are providing here, but have I come to the right conclusion above? I don't suppose anybody knows who maintains the EPG data on http://epg.clientportal.link/ ?

Here's hoping :-)


yes i use in xml channel name instead of tvg-id. And for this i have couple of reasons.
First and most important is that not in all channels is tvg-id but all channels have name and if i use tvg-id then only channels wich have tvg-id will get EPG, i cant use in config for some channels tvg-id and for others name.
Second reason - when channel change in some reason, then usually stuff change name also but very often they forgeth change tvg-id. And with wrong tvg-id this channel have wrong guide.

So far all apps and softs can understand channel name in xml. This GSE is first, when users complains that GSE dont show EPG.

I do not have Mac, but i did fresh install in android tablet, inserted line and my EPG address - and in this tablet my EPG worked. I do not know why in some devices this is not working. The problem may be when in device already used line with tvg-id and after that GSE do not accept anything else or Mac soft is different then android soft.

I try test in Mac soon, but this testresult will not be a reason to change channel name > tvg-id.
I do not have Mac, but i did fresh install in android tablet, inserted line and my EPG address - and in this tablet my EPG worked. I do not know why in some devices this is not working. The problem may be when in device already used line with tvg-id and after that GSE do not accept anything else or Mac soft is different then android soft.

I try test in Mac soon, but this testresult will not be a reason to change channel name > tvg-id.

Thanks for the pointer, on a hunch, I decided to delete all my sources within GSE and also cleared out all EPG data and started again. I reloaded the m3u, with options, then reloaded your EPG data URL and this time the EPG data was visible from the player!! So I guess this confirms that GSE is remembering if it used tvg-id's previously and doesn't switch over to channel IDs when it should!

Fantastic, thank you!
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