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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

NONE. keep saying will forward to admin etc. nothing really comes out of it.
I will even say it has been nearly 1 year ++
The exact issue is CGTN HD UK 4571 and CGTN Arabic CN 2977 has not been working for more than 1 year and still showing on the list.
My device is amazon fire stick 4K
Stream fault and offline

If no one will update the channel, just please remove it. Why leave offline channels for more than 1 year? Was told supposed there is a script that check channels for offline and no sound. Not sure if it is really working on the full list.
Hi Guys,

i am really stumped with this one.
I have an upmaker iptv subscription and it has stopped working.

i have tried to contact them for months now and i have heard nothing.

Please can you help.

Did you contact your reseller: Yes

Diagnosis result: i tried to load the link on multiple players and devices with the same result.

When the problem started: July 2021

Which country: UK

What is the exact issue: when i try to load the M3u link, it says no data found.

Which type of device: IPhone, Mac and samsung tv

What is the error code? (if there is any): it does not give me a code, just says no data.
sky Bundesliga 1 FHD DE and Sky Sport 1 FHD DE DAZN 1 FHD DE has very poor quality is not FHD at all
You can report it from your dashboard. Go on the left sidebar to channels, find the channel and report what the issue is. I'll do it now for you but just so you know for future
All Sky Sports UK channels are down

For example :

Sky Sports Premier League FHD UK
Sky Sports Main Event FHD UK
Sky Sports Football FHD UK
Hello no chan el name all channels says and tries different line same problem. What can it be
can someone please repair Sky Bundesliga 1 FHD DE image celebrates after 1-2 seconds
DAZN 2 FHD DE has no sound since yesterday
Is there any chance to enjoy EPL or La Liga in 4k quality now? Most of 4k sport channels are down.
Yes, you are right.

DAZN 1 FHD DE is right now unwatchable...

Please fix. Thanks
DAZN 1 HD DE and DAZN bar 1 FHD DE work for me
With DAZN 1 to 30 HD they always show a standard picture after the league event instead of other live events, for example Dazn 2 DAZN 16 is running standard picture instead of live sport
- Did you contact your reseller: Yes
- Diagnosis result: Awaiting response
- When the problem started: Last Week
- Which country: UK
- What is the exact issue: Sky Sports + BT Sport Lagging During Live Football
- Which type of device: T95 Android Box
- What is the error code? (if there is any): No Error Code
does anyone know why there is only one DAZN there is a logo to be seen and no live sport on DAZN 1 to 30 HD DE
IptvCommunity, i did report also on Dashboard and i want to report here too, please FIX Klan Kosova HD/FHD AL channel..almost few weeks have issues (both channels) or try to find other Source..Klan Kosova is one of Favorite channels..
Regards Talush..
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