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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

For a week now, halo has been running on the 2 Albanian children's channels Bang Bang AL and Çufu AL only in English instead of Albanian can someone change that again thanks
can you guy's check
Bein SPORTS Premium 1 FHD
Bein SPORTS Premium 2 FHD
Bein SPORTS Premium 3 FHD

quality of streams very good 1080p but when you watch it you will understand (channels not working smoothly
it seems like they streamed from rdp with bein connect
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Reactions: Artan92
can you guy's check
sky Bundesliga FHD DE sky Bundesliga 2 FHD DE as well as sky Sport 1 FHD has a very bad picture quality you can do something there
All other Sky Germany channels, whether sport or film, have a very good picture quality, only the channels mentioned do not
can you please change the quality on the following channels
sky Bundesliga 1 FHD DE sky Bundesliga 2 FHD DE as well as sky Sport 1 FHD has a very bad picture quality you can do something there
All other Sky Germany channels, whether sport or film, have good picture quality, only the sports channels do not
Please could you check skysports when football is on. Every weekend most games start buffering so I am having to watch a different country stream :(
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Reactions: straycat_67
Please remove the following channels that have stopped transmitting
Disney Junior HD DE
Eurosport 2 Xtra FHD DE
It’s unacceptable that day after day portuguese Channels arent working.

yesterday it was horrible. And no. It is NOT ISP BLOCKS. My reseller tried them back in germany and they were not working. In using vpn, tried different locations and different devices / apps… the portuguese channels didnt work. And other users had the same issue. Fix them or refund us… we are basically paying for a service and then we cannot watch it.
why are the Albanian children's channels Bang Bang and Çufu only in English and no longer in Albnsich
Hi, The THAI channel TV3 HD 33 TH has often Sound issues, either there is there no sound or the sound is out of sync.