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IPTV Issues - (Must read the first post before requesting help from the community)

Channel: CT2 CZ
Country: Czech Republic
Issue: Freezing (more czech channels freez, especially these from the old source)
all new Czech channels (CT 1 FHD, Nova FHD, Prima FHD,...) are down! Cant report them in my dashboard. Please fix!
Almost all Iranian channels are down here in sweden, Yesterday reported them in dashboard and status is fixed but still not working.
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Almost all Iranian channels are down here in sweden, Yesterday reported them in dashboard and status is fixed but still not working.
same problem for me and no ones care . same problem for all Netherland HD channels - reporeted last week . many time.
i think time to change the server and try new iptv server
you're free to do so.

which steps did you try by yourself like reset line, change dns etc?
I can confirm, streaming from strm files works again. I hope it stays like this. Last week Friday is the last time I saw it working for about an hour. I have no clue why the streams didn't work, maybe it took too long for Kodi to startup and at gave a time-out.
Even my vod via storm files on Kodi are working fine now.. they were not up to half hour ago.. I did not change anything my end (been trying stuff since last few days!) So rapid must have changed/fixed something on backend! Thanks whoever fixed it
I can confirm, streaming from strm files works again. I hope it stays like this. Last week Friday is the last time I saw it working for about an hour. I have no clue why the streams didn't work, maybe it took too long for Kodi to startup and at gave a time-out.

Stopped working again. Can anyone confirm this
Only just started subscription and I advise any newbie who wants to watch UK sport not to bother. Channels always freezing and disconnecting and that's if you are lucky and they connect in the first place.
OK, this might get a bit technical and is more suitable for the Kodi developers among us:

Streaming from .strm files just doesn't work anymore in Kodi,. After some investigation I discovered that the stream URL's redirect a couple of times and that the final URL, with a long one-time generated token, is the actual URL that streams. Only a custom python script (within a custom made Kodi add-on) that finds this final URL is the solution for streaming from Kodi if you don't want to use the PVR client (which is not so good for playback of the VOD section). It also might be the cause that some other Android and Smart TV apps don't work.

I assume that this measure has been taken to counter DDoS attacks that happened a while ago during popular football matches. This measure is fine with me, since it results in a stable service and I can work around it now.

Again, for most users this information will not help. But a to a Kodi add-on / app developer it might help to improve.
CT 1 FHD, Nova FHD, Prima FHD are down
If a channel is Down, No Sound, No Picture or Wrong Channel
please report it at "Channels" section (http://prntscr.com/kku652) directly from your Dashboard.
It's the right & fastest way.
The Channel does not show up at channel report - then submit a ticket directly from your DB.

Thank you.

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- Did you contact your reseller: yes
- When the problem started: all the time
- Which country: NL
- What is the exact issue: N-TV FHD DE, N24 FHD DE stop and go
- Which type of device: Shield TV
Channel: TV2 DK + TV2 DK HD
Country: Denmark
Issue: a lot of freezing going on

I’m using Apple TV
Eleven sports Portugal buffering every 2min. And quality is awkward, trembling image.. It's where we watch champions league and spanish league games so.. Pls check it. Thx
Channel: C More Fotboll
Country: Sweden
Device: ALL
Problem: Cannot connect

Channel: C More Fotboll HD
Showing wrong channel (Viasat Fotboll)
Channel: Disney Junior SE
Country: Sweden
Device: All
Problem: Wrong language

Channel: Viasat motor
Country: Sweden
Device: All
Problem: not working at all