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your subscription is colligated to your ISP
so when you change your ISP you have to inform the tech.support about that
then they update it for you.
thats essential, otherwise it wont function.

GhostPhantom, Hekuran,
hello friends
thanks for having my back”
i agree in a hundred percent and i would appreciate that, too.
but i fear that this would be connected with a whole lot of technical effort for rapid,
as all streams have to be recoded with a hevc based codec.

(streams are currently encoded with H.264 codec, and would have to be recoded with the H.265/hevc codec)

any officials from rapid reading this here? mehdi, babak?
what do you think about this, gentlemen?
thx, regards
bought a MAG256 last week and got the issues as described above.
An image freeze yesterday for hours....
Should I return my MAG256 underwarranty and get a MAG254 instead?
Sounds really stupid that you need to go for a downgrade to get rapid iptv working..
Any advice pls guys
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GhostPhantom, Hekuran,
hello friends
thanks for having my back”
i agree in a hundred percent and i would appreciate that, too.
but i fear that this would be connected with a whole lot of technical effort for rapid,
as all streams have to be recoded with a hevc based codec.

(streams are currently encoded with H.264 codec, and would have to be recoded with the H.265/hevc codec)

any officials from rapid reading this here? mehdi, babak?
what do you think about this, gentlemen?
thx, regards
bought a MAG256 last week and got the issues as described above.
An image freeze yesterday for hours....
Should I return my MAG256 underwarranty and get a MAG254 instead?
Sounds really stupid that you need to go for a downgrade to get rapid iptv working..
Any advice pls guys
Set buffer size on settings
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GhostPhantom, Hekuran,
hello friends
thanks for having my back”
i agree in a hundred percent and i would appreciate that, too.
but i fear that this would be connected with a whole lot of technical effort for rapid,
as all streams have to be recoded with a hevc based codec.

(streams are currently encoded with H.264 codec, and would have to be recoded with the H.265/hevc codec)

any officials from rapid reading this here? mehdi, babak?
what do you think about this, gentlemen?
thx, regards
bought a MAG256 last week and got the issues as described above.
An image freeze yesterday for hours....
Should I return my MAG256 underwarranty and get a MAG254 instead?
Sounds really stupid that you need to go for a downgrade to get rapid iptv working..
Any advice pls guys
Set buffer size on settings
How much should I set?
Cuvillier, thank you for your time
i did that, too
it was also one of the first things I did
dns and also
problem persists
malheureusement :(

Could I suggest for now you ignore all the technical stuff about codecs. The Mag 256 is supported by Rapid and I use a 256 and 254 with no problems. The 256 requires Stalker 5.xxx which is installed on Rapids servers.

If if you go to the main home page on Rapidiptv.com in the support section there is a number of articles on setting up a Mag. Just ensure you put the Rapid URL in the portal section.