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the method if i understand if using the native iptv player in mag internal portal (m3u,txt with channels) should be on USB drive for that.

then recording will work , its blocked via MAG external portal.

what about using SIPTV portal and load m3u to it ? recording is possible ?

I remember reading somewhere here where SIPTV also allows it to be recoreded but I'm not 100% sure where?
Why does @Rapid IPTV block it ? without having catch-up this is a killer feature.

With mag there is no pvr needed , just connect a usb drive and press on record.
Catch-up and recording paytv service is ilegal so if you ask me there never be something like that on rapid.

i dont agree , having the feature is not illegal. recording is.

leave the legal matter for customer.

can we have this enabled in MAG ?
Ive only joined this site to see if recording and catch-up is available before i purchase. If this is not available, i will have to continue with my search for a provider that "PROVIDES"

Talking of legalities, im almost certain that these "providers" dont have the authorisation from the broadcasters to sell their channels even in a live environment. Enable us to be able to pause live TV is a standard way of life now-a-days and without it feels like we have gone back in the stone ages.

Does anyone know how to get recording to work or a provider that allows it (PM me if poss as im guessing advertisements of other providers would be frowned upon)

Cheers Peoples

Lee (UK)
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also considering this is possible to do easiy on other devices (PC with VLC or KODI) i can't understand why to block it on MAG.
also considering this is possible to do easiy on other devices (PC with VLC or KODI) i can't understand why to block it on MAG.
We are not blocking it, it's a bug!

also considering this is possible to do easiy on other devices (PC with VLC or KODI) i can't understand why to block it on MAG.
We are not blocking it, it's a bug!

Im able to record with other providers on MAG.

Can you please look into it?
I'm personally losing client because there is no catch or manual recording option.
Someone has also problems with sound on mag 254 On all channels goes the ton does not have someone a solution
My experience from my own attempts record during a 24 hr test where that I was able to record any channel by simply pressing the record function while watching my chosen channel but my mag ony recorded 1 minute of the chosen channel.

The mag 254 i was using was not set to any particular timezone infact the date displayed was the default 1/1/2010 date. I then set the timezone using the ntp server settings & found I was no longer able to instantly record (record option was now greyed out) but If I moved forward thruogh the epg, the record function would re - enable after a certain number of hours past in the daily schedule.

This has lead me to a theory, the possible reason for my Mag 254 only recording 1 minute at a time was because the Mag 254 time was set behind the real actual EPG time therefore it would instantly start to record any chosen channel but once the timer tried to progress to the next minute, the mag 254 would realise the time was incorrect & stop the recording. When I used the ntp setting to change my timezone to UK the new UK timezone setting were no longer correct for the recording instantly as the channel I was trying to record was a USA channel in another timezone. Unfortunetely I was unable to investigate this theory any further as my 24 hour trial run out...lol
I tried turning the time portal off and after about a minute of recording it says pvr error stream ended, after about 20 seconds it reloads the channel, I can watch back the minute but nothing longer
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