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One of my friends have mag 250 and says that subtitle don't work,

I have 254 and it works..

Is there a setting or something.
Hello everybody, i have succesfully flashed my dead mag250 back to life. I used a jtag to programm the bootloader back to flash

regards Triton
Hi, triton , can you explain please , mine bricked yesterday

thank you

here are the Infos for a success bringback to life the mag 250

you have to download this file: unbrick_mag250.zip

you need this:
card edge connector



The Coast for this is around 45$

Pin Assignement:
I purchased the equip. I tried to download the instructions, but had no luck. I have 2 dead boxes. Could you please send me written instructions in English, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
alternate Download

mag250 unbrick (Share Online)

Thanks, however due to all the pop ups and spam links its not clear which link to actually click, the parts you say im unable to find on any UK sites, the site you link to, wont allow me to purchase for the UK.

if if you put part numbers in google they come up in there uk sire , I can send you file if you want . Pm me .
not tried it myself yet btw



if if you put part numbers in google they come up in there uk sire , I can send you file if you want . Pm me .
not tried it myself yet btw



Thanks, found some on eBay! ive managed to get it, seems more complicated than i thought
Hello everybody, i have succesfully flashed my dead mag250 back to life. I used a jtag to programm the bootloader back to flash

regards Triton

Would you be able to flash my mag 250 for a fee as I’m not very savvy about technology?
If anyone else has done this successfully can you post results ? Looks really complicated

Hello everybody, i have succesfully flashed my dead mag250 back to life. I used a jtag to programm the bootloader back to flash

regards Triton

Would you be able to flash my mag 250 for a fee as I’m not very savvy about technology?

Hi, i think if we can ship the board only within an envelopp, i think it will be cheap the send it. are you from uk ?
the only thing that i need to know is serial number and mac address
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I will order the goods tomorrow, after you flash and get box working triton , does it the try to update to r22 again ?. Mine update befor it connects to server
