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Audio Settings for Mag STB

SERVICE PROVIDER portal Make sure your output is set to out mode = Stereo ,SPDIF mode = Bitstream

Inner portal settings Initial Volume = , 100 , Audio output mode = Stereo , F1 more settings , Dynamic range compression = Disabled , Operating Mode = Line Mode , Spdif Mode = Bitstream ,HDMI mode = PCM , Exit and reboot device

Thanks for the quick reply, and I'll give it a go as soon as I can access the inner portal again, which I made another thread about.

No need to keep openign threads just write it down here.

When going to internal portal doesnt work you need to ge back to factory settings and start over

I've got all the settings as you said but the volume is still low. There is no Dynamic range compression setting in the inner portal audio settings. My box is a ln infomir 256
hi all.
Please excuse me if this question has already been asked but I am struggling to work out how to add channels to my 256 mag box. I have purchased a iptv package from someone on the internet but that package does not contain certain international channels so I was told I can actually add those channels to my box myself individually and manually so I was I was hoping that someone can explain how I can add individual channels to my box. these channels are free channels that you can do on Sky in any case so you do not subscription-based channels they just international channels.
Thank you in advance
Ok I have watched the video and I understand that you have to copy some sort of files onto USB stick and then install them onto the the Box by adding them to the iptv section. Can I dare to ask where do I find international channel files because the video didn't show how he got the files and what files he's downloaded onto the USB disk so I'm a bit confused about that.

Is it as simple as going on a particular website finding the channel code and pasting it onto the USB drive and then insert into USB drive into the box and copy that same code into the iptv section in the box
I noticed the lower audio yesterday when uppgrading my Mag 256.
I will try the settings Rusax wrote, IF it doesent work I’ll guess its a flaw in firmware.
I have set all the setting and no change on low audio.
only thing that wasnt under F1 meny was Dynamic Range Compression, i still think its a flaw in the latest update.

have talk too infomir on there forum?
Hello. I am using MAG 254 and 256. External server / IPTVSTACK. I'm struggling to remove / edit favorite channels on different channel groups. Some is possible to remove other does not. When I try to remove a particular channel from the channel list, the last channel in the channel list will be removed. Does anyone know about this issue
hi all.
Please excuse me if this question has already been asked but I am struggling to work out how to add channels to my 256 mag box. I have purchased a iptv package from someone on the internet but that package does not contain certain international channels so I was told I can actually add those channels to my box myself individually and manually so I was I was hoping that someone can explain how I can add individual channels to my box. these channels are free channels that you can do on Sky in any case so you do not subscription-based channels they just international channels.
Thank you in advance

use xstream editor and add there portal and your mac
I got in touch with Infomir support and they sent me these instructions to do a factory setting reboot

Please try to reset your box to defaults and update the firmware according to the following recommendation:
Reset STB to default settings (please pay attention all user settings will be deleted) via button FN (mode 3)
Update STB to latest available version from USB in System Recovery Utilities

https://wiki.infomir.eu/eng/ set-top-box/stb-linux-webkit/ mag256/software-update-mag256# SoftwareupdateMAG256- UpdatewithUSB-drive
Do not change any audio settings after update the firmware.
Please check whether the issue persists after that in the internal portal. If it is so, provide us the example of stream to test the audio level.

I haven't done it yet
Hmm, i think it would be better they fixed the flaw by releasing an new updated firmware, it wasn’t in the old firmware 2.20.03.

but thanx for sharing.
Hello all,
I've purchased MAG 256 and been using it for about a month.
At first it was ok (give or take), but now all channels are lagging / freezing to the point you can't see (you simply can't).

When performing speed test on the LAN, it got only 2.5mbps (I have a 40mbps connection). The MAG is connected via cat6e cable. point is, when i take the cable and connect to my laptop (for example) => speed test is ~39mbps.

So i'm not quite sure where is the problem. is it the speed? (i assume so). I don't know if it related to my IPTV Provider (because i assume speed test is not done with the IPTV provider, but a simple speed test with the internet. if i'm wrong then maybe it is a problem with the provider).

Any advices?. Tried even lowering from 1920*1080 to 720 or something just to see if there is improvement, but it seems that the speed test doesn't lie, i simply don't know why it get only 2.5mbps out of 40.
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I have a magbox 256.
I want to turn into an android box so I can go to google play store and download an app.
Is it possible (turn it into an android box or just download an app onto it)
Searching the internet I see only the opposite tutorials (android box with iptv/mag emulator)
I have a magbox 256.
I want to turn into an android box so I can go to google play store and download an app.
Is it possible (turn it into an android box or just download an app onto it)
Searching the internet I see only the opposite tutorials (android box with iptv/mag emulator)
No it is not possible and there is a mag model 410 that is android only.
