I am trying to add it to my dashboard. I mean changing the MAC I have for a line to another one.
you cant change the mac code of already assigned LineI am trying to add it to my dashboard. I mean changing the MAC I have for a line to another one.
Wao, so if I assign a MAC to a line and then that box gets damaged I can not re-assign a different one? That is strange.
Hi guys, I've purchased a magbox 256w and have an issue with sound. The voices are squeaky. This is on live TV and vod.
I have tried with a couple of providers and it's the same.
Mp3s play fine through USB.
I have tried messing with the audio settings but nothing changes.
Can anybody help with this please ?
When I connect a MAG256 to my Samsung TV it loads up and works sometimes but other times I just get a blue screen for a while before going back to the picture again.
Has anyone else had similar issues?