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VLC Technical Issues and Support

Well, i had 2 clients who asked for the list for computer, and both could not open the full playlist, alot of countries are missing. While i was able to get the full playlist on VLC.

So i uninstalled my vlc, older version, and downloaded the new one, and now i have the same problem, i disabled some countries, and on the list i got some new countries which were not there before, but not all. So i wonder if anyone has had this issue and knows how to fix it. I will be sending them older VLC installation files now, but i would like for this to be fixed if possible.
Simply open vlc and Drag & Drop the m3u file into vlc
Yea, that did it, but this is not the way to go...? Cant someone fix this?
Since sometime ago, when I download the m3u file (to open it with VLC), it doesn’t come complete, most of the channels are missing. Is this normal now? How can I download the full list? Thanks.
use a older version of VLC new one has a bug,

Or copy and paste the m3u link in youre webbrowser and choose open with vlc
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Also can confirm don't have any problem with v 3.0.3 (http://prntscr.com/kp31ms)

Uninstall the VLC also clean system register then install again then try.

Hi everyone,

I tried my list on VLC 3.0.4, It works perfectly.

I noticed that on a specific channel if i fast forward the live streaming I can minimise the delay (latency) from a standard 40/50 sec to 10 sec.

This same trick it's not possible on my Android 6.0 TV, I can't even use my list on that app.

Do you know any app in which I can replicate this trick and lower the delay of the channel?

thank you in advance for the help.
Hi everyone,

I tried my list on VLC 3.0.4, It works perfectly.

I noticed that on a specific channel if i fast forward the live streaming I can minimise the delay (latency) from a standard 40/50 sec to 10 sec.

This same trick it's not possible on my Android 6.0 TV, I can't even use my list on that app.

Do you know any app in which I can replicate this trick and lower the delay of the channel?

thank you in advance for the help.
Buffering process in iptvstack system is about 1 minute which you can not change + user program buffer = 1 minute and 15 seconds. When you lower a program buffering generally you get buffering problem and stream is unwatchable. Why you would do such thing like lowering buffer?
Buffering process in iptvstack system is about 1 minute which you can not change + user program buffer = 1 minute and 15 seconds. When you lower a program buffering generally you get buffering problem and stream is unwatchable. Why you would do such thing like lowering buffer?

Thanks a lot for the answer.
At the current moment this trick i mentioned works perfectly in VLC, streaming is perfect. That's why i was asking if it is possible to have it in my Android tv.
Opening the channel i have about 50sec, after fast forwarding 12. (checking right now with the clock inside the channel).