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Ok most of amlogic-based-tv-players have a problem with amlcodec. Here is how to fix it :)

1) install the Universal Init.d app, from the Playstore.
2) Turn it on, reboot and open the app up again. At the bottom in green lettering it should say "Your Kernal Has init.d Support.
3) I deleted all the the scripts under "Manage your init.d scripts:" leaving just 99SuperSUDaemon and the testinit.d.
4) Click on testinit.d and click edit in the top right corner. Delete all the stuff in there (you might have to scroll down to see all the text, make sure there is nothing in there) and copy the above script in there and save.
5) Hit Execute in the top right hand corner, and close the app.
6) Use a file explorer, I use esfileexplorer, and navigate to Device/etc/init.d here you can rename the testinit.d file to kodifix.
7) Now go back to Universal Init.d app and execute the file you just renamed. Reboot and it should now automatically load on startup.
8) Test kodi to see if it worked.

chmod 666 /sys/class/display/mode
chmod 666 /dev/amvideo
chmod 666 /dev/amstream*
chmod 666 /sys/class/video/axis
chmod 666 /sys/class/video/screen_mode
chmod 666 /sys/class/video/disable_video
chmod 666 /sys/class/tsync/pts_pcrscr
chmod 666 /sys/class/audiodsp/digital_raw
chmod 666 /sys/class/ppmgr/ppmgr_3d_mode
chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq
chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
chmod 666 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
Very usefull for Minix X8-H PLUS :)
Of course you have to enable advanced buffering to have a smooth play and leave only amlcodec on in acceleration settings in kodi :)
Yes i have already that, but i would know if you have fix for videos/ Wifi, if not that's ok
If you have that version then you already have:
Changelog (2.5.0) ( Current release )
- Audio/video player fixes
- Audio drop issues
- network fixes (wifi/ethernet MAC fix)
- Microphone fix.
- spdif adjustments
- Powermenu (layout)
- Security fixes

I'm currently using my Android phone + Chromecast but i'd like to have a dedicated device close to the TV. I'm looking at different options on a "less than 60gbp" budget and I would like to know if having 2gb RAM really makes a difference when decoding full HD / 4k streams.

Any suggestions on a cheap and reliable Android box will be appreciated. Sorry if this question is somewhat tackled on another post.

I've downloaded several apps that say IPTV with Chromecast functionality but none of them work.

I'm instead using the IPTV app by Alexander Sofronov and Bubble UPnP to Chromecast but unfortunately it says some streams need to be transcoded. It gets a little cumbersome.

Is there an app or solution that I've missed? Or should I just get an iptv box?
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I've downloaded several apps that say IPTV with Chromecast functionality but none of them work.

I'm instead using the IPTV app by Alexander Sofronov and Bubble UPnP to Chromecast but unfortunately it says some streams need to be transcoded. It gets a little cumbersome.

Is there an app or solution that I've missed? Or should I just get an iptv box?
I'm not using chromecast now, but i suggest you to use iptv box with kodi installed.
@Cuvillier once you are suggesting Kodi once Mag emulator and Perfect Player also, Why?
This is the best box for 45$ UBox i828 Android
or this one
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i have sony android tv does it supported to operate rapid iptv smoothly

also my internet connectio is 40Mbps/s

please confirm before ordering

i have sony android tv does it supported to operate rapid iptv smoothly

also my internet connectio is 40Mbps/s

please confirm before ordering
As far You can install smartiptv app from app store your tv works with rapidiptv. Make a test aplication is free for 7 days and ask here for test line.
I am new into IPTV but i have a question and maybe somebody can help me:

I have ordered a BQEEL MXR ANDROID TV BOX on amazon (https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B01F2YB4OE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

I want to use this box as a "stand alone iptv player" without any other apps and so on. The box should start the IPTV player right away without booting into the operating system.

Is there any option, image or player, who can do this?

I appreciate your help!

Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot for your quick response! I will try that at home!
It works but it buffers the most of the time!

What IPTV box do you have? What´s the best and easiest plattform?

I have a MAG 250 as well but i think the processor is not that fast :-(

It works but it buffers the most of the time!

What IPTV box do you have? What´s the best and easiest plattform?

I have a MAG 250 as well but i think the processor is not that fast :-(

Try it on your Smart iptv, it will work better.
I had to play around with the buffer settings in Kodi on RPI3 until it worked fine. Default setting are bad.