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Enigma 2 Technical Issues

Any one have a solution for the new Dreambox One Box ?

Work the Picons and EPG with the Lines from here ?
Hello mates,
I have been using this service for one year on my VU Solo2 (VTI Image). It worked fine until this Extreme Codes CMS was shut down last week.
Now, almost every channel is working on my macbook but not on my enigma2 box. I dont habe any expanation for this...

can anyone help?
Same here, dou you have 1: dvbs or gstreamer? I have my playlist on bouquets, spain, germany with picons and epg fully working. Sometimes if u switch fast between 2. channels one works. We have to wait for better opening times. With vlc u see i takes a little bit time to open
Same here, dou you have 1: dvbs or gstreamer? I have my playlist on bouquets, spain, germany with picons and epg fully working. Sometimes if u switch fast between 2. channels one works. We have to wait for better opening times. With vlc u see i takes a little bit time to open
same here on my E2 Box. Guess we really just need to wait until they will fix it but I'm sure it will work again soon.
Hello from Scandinavia. I'm new to IPTV. I have an Enigma 2 sat-receiver. I bought a service from iptv-vuplus, but most of the channels I wanted did not work. I got a script that i uploaded via Putty. Do I need to uninstall this script before getting a file from a new dealer?
Hello from Scandinavia. I'm new to IPTV. I have an Enigma 2 sat-receiver. I bought a service from iptv-vuplus, but most of the channels I wanted did not work. I got a script that i uploaded via Putty. Do I need to uninstall this script before getting a file from a new dealer?

all you need to do is delete the file of script located etc/enigma2. The name usually is iptv.sh
By deleting it the script will not be running any more but the bouquet created from previous runnings will still be ther in your box
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