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Hi everyone,
I found on LG store app called: Stalker Player and I have two questions:
Is there any reseller using Stalker Middleware 5.2 or newer?
Have anyone tested this solution?
I have the same problem not channels on my tv but working fine on phone and on my computer.

Just black screen, tried installing the app again and resending the playlist nothing works
Hi new on here,when i lauch the iptv app all the channels come up then when i select a channel it buffers then goes back to launch on every channel ive tried,Help anyone please!
When I load up the app and choose a channel the stream won't play and it stays on connecting in the bottom right hand corner.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Ross Calder did you sort the problem out with stream speed loss I’m having same problem hard wired on webos browser speed test I’m getting 10mbps constantly yet in sip tv I’m getting anything between 5-2 mbps fluctuating causing buffering tried new cat 6 cable reinstalling app no joy
Had this issue yesterday with one client, had to go to sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/mylist and upload again. That solved the problem for my client :)
ive jus tried that and it didnt change anything.
its odd cos the app loads fine and i can see the channels but when i click on one it just says connecting and its odd the vod channels work no problem
Hello there

I just have pay for MAC on siptv and I'm trying few trial list (2 right now), channels are just buffering.

Few days ago when I have used siptv trial free I dont have this problem, sure I have buffering before but I was with 5-6mbs speed, now I'm with 20mbs+
How can I fix it?

Somebody can send trial link just for test 1hr or just fre min, maybe list is with problem (on pc work fine).

I have try with wifi and LAN.


I hope to have your support :)
Its the new standard for IPTV now, it's available now on all new Mag boxes, smartTVs, IOS and Android devices .
Sadly as i heard, Rapid dont have stalkers middleware version 5.0 and up installed on their servers. But dont worry a lot of iptv services offer this now.
Hi folks.

I have searched alot and tried some things to be able to change language on some channels on my LG TV (webOS 3.5) that has the Smart IPTV app installed. But nothing i tried is working.

All i want to do is to change language from English to Swedish on the channel: Cartoon Network SE

Want this to work so my kids can enjoy the Cartoon in their own language.

Thanks in advance for all the tips I can get.
instead of the Mpegts link try and use the HLS m3u line, see ff that helps
I also tried the 3 different stream player types, WebOS, NCMPEG & NCAuto

Hi did you solve this Ross iv exactly same problem 70mbps yet slowly decreases to 5 or 2 Mbps then buffers if I change chanel goes back up to 60/70 then back down to 5mbps after 20seconda or so done everything that’s posted on here ???
Smart IPTV developer seems to have dropped the ball a bit recently, would imagine it's all the money from the subs he's getting recently.?

It is a good app, but drastically in need of an update in both loading times, memory issues with older tv's, and just a general menu system that lists the live and vod streams something similar to the smart stb app, but not with stalker, as that's a nightmare for client setup when their only experience of the web is an iphone :coldsweat: