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I have a problem in Smart IPTV connevtig channels.

I paid for 1 year, 1 month worked very well, last 3 days I can't open any channel, I see list of channels like before, but when i select looks "connecting..." and nothing appear just black screen like in the photo.

The person who sold me did not give me a m3u file but just asked me for the MAC address. Now when I go to http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/mylist/, I do not see any lists or links to test in any other app or any other device.

Hi all, has anybody found a solution to this? I had full streaming of mp4 via smart iptv up to two weeks ago and now just stuck in loading.. Have tried two services now and neither worked, can stream from home pc server and using smart stb app but not SIPTV!
D'OH! VOD not loading occurred when I modified M3U address and uploaded it on the SIPTV website, and didn't check the "Save Online" option. MP4s loading fine again. Older LG TVs are short on memory.
all channels on Smart IPTV app is gone, tried to load the channel list five times now and restart it, nothing happens!
I'm using the Smart IPTV app on my LG OLED (webOS).

A few weeks ago, VOD was working no problem. However, in the past week, none of the VODs are working. Live channels work no problem.

I've tried changing every setting (NC Auto, etc.), but I'm always getting a 'Video Error!' message.

My provider is OK2. The videos work on VLC on my android phone, so I know the VOD link is not down.

Anyone know how to fix this?
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hi is it possible to clear cache and data on the LG smart tv. Struggling to find it or getting it to.
I'm using the smart iptv app and clearing data and cache on my firestick regularly seems to keep it sweet. Just wondering how on LG smart tv??
Any help would be appreciated
The only way I've found to clear the cache is to turn off the Lg Tv and turn it back on then it'll clean itself out.. but basically when you shut it off every night it'll clean itself out anyway!! If this helps you any..
hi, the status is shoing live but there is no picture, complete black screen on tht TV. plz help in resolving the problem
in Smart IPTV, there is no picture complete balck screen and status is showing LIVE below. plz help in solving this issue
All channels ? one channel ? have you restarted ? please help by supplying as much info as possible
Delete app, then turn off tv ( power cable ), then start tv, and install app again and load up your channels.