Hi i just upgraded Three MAG250 boxes and have the same problem. I just ordered the needed Components but what program do you use to operate the FT2232H card ?
I went for factory reset and after all that, menu or basic applications not seen. On restart it shows setting and browser symbol and in settings shows ethernet, wifi, time setting and software update but on trying new update nothings happens
Dear all.
My client have MAG250, Last two days have Page loading error. Internet is enabled, connected Wired and Wireless same problem. How to solve this problem?
Thank you
Dear Triton,
Thank you for your effort and the instruction. It all seems to work well.
Is V3 boards totally impossible to unbrick? Mine is V3. It all got stuck once i loaded the u-boot.o file.
Hi, I have a problem with a Mag 250 clone, I followed all the instructions, but I do not go any further where there is the transition with Hyperterminal, you can help me Thanks
hello together, I have managed to get into life, but I still have a small problem, image about usb does not accept it, no image comes in USB, where is the error?
DRAM: 256 MiB
NOR: 1 MiB
NAND: 256 MiB
In: serial
Out: serial
Err: serial
Press "Menu" for enter menu
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0
Warning: MAC addresses don't match:
"ethaddr" value: AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
Using MAC Address AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA
STM-GMAC: IC+ IP101 found
STM-GMAC: PHY address mismatch with hardware (hw 8 != 1)
STM-GMAC: PHY auto-negotiate timed out
STM-GMAC: *Warning* no link detected
BOOTP broadcast 1
STMAC: second tx timeout
BOOTP broadcast 2
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 3
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 4
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 5
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 6
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 7
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 8
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 9
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 10
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
Retry count exceeded; starting again
BOOTP broadcast 1
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 2
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 3
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 4
STM-GMAC: tx timeout - no desc available
BOOTP broadcast 5
PLS Help My
Hello to resolve a problem with faulty mag boxes you must downgrade firmware / flash older firmware then reset to default settings in blue menu that is accessible with menu button right after powering a box. After flashing old firmware disable automatic firmware update and update to newest firmware and do reset in blue menu again. Then insert your portal data and box should be ok. Regards