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I havery Mag 256 and yesterday stopped working and a page which says page loading error. ...... comes. Pls if there is any way how to fix it.
This message is related with one of this two reasons:

1-Wrong portal url
2-Internet connection issue

Make sure you have the right value on your settings for those two elements.

I hope this help

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Hallo , my client have problem to login in mag 250 url , have rapid a new portal url , or what is the problem , can anymore help me please ?
MAG URL: http://mag.clientportal.link/c || http://mag.clientportal.link/cc || http://mag.clientportal.link:8080

or read and follow these steps:


Dutch IPTV reseller

~~~ Let me show u the world ~~~
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Hallo , my client have problem to login in mag 250 url , have rapid a new portal url , or what is the problem , can anymore help me please ?
Hello Mates,
@blasko1987 - Replied your question and send you details in PM.
@Rusax - Thank you for your quick support.
does anybody know if it is possible to custom sort/delete channels and arrange them to my own preference in the mag 250/256. its annoying that the main channels i watch are nowhere near themselves.

seen as you can create custom templates on xtream editor pro, maybe there is a way to use the custom list there for the mag.

maybe its real easy and i am missing something.
i have a mag254, when i am in the "all channel" list i chose the channels i want to be favourite with the yellow button. Then i click on the green button and set it to show only favorites.
...and you cannot move channels to sort them out either. And favourites set disappear after a channel is added/removed from the list. I have been begging to have the UK channel list sorted to WHAT IS WAS 4 weeks ago but it seems customer care has gone down hill! Sadly it wasn't like this. I do not know what the heck is going on. Quite sad as I had high hopes for this service but any way... nevermind.
I have 77 channels in my favorite list, I do not feel the need to move the channel. I have sky sport, bt sport, some us channel and all danish channels. It is a huge improvement of having almost 4000 channels in a list.
I have seen many complaint about how the UK list is sorted now, for me it seems more logical now how they are lined up.
its stupid how you can custom sort channel lists with everything except the mag box,
i sort all my channels with xtream editor, but sadly can not use this with the mag box.
you would think in this day in age, channel editing would be possible with any box
Did you solve this? I also have a mag254 that is locked by the provider.
I can't even access the inner portal so I guess I will have to reset it to factory default and start over.
Ok, thanks I'll try that when the time comes (still have some time left on my current subscription).
BTW. Do anyone know a way to access the inner portal on a locked mag to see what portal I'm currently using?
(I guess that's just as impossible as changing the portal link...)

this work perfect. i have test it.
Format your USB Stick with Fat32.
Load the firmware from this Youtube Link.
Install like this guy in video.
It will reboot and you can add server.
Do Software update in mag settings
All these tips are to flash a MAG box, but if your provider has locked the box, your will not be able to flash it.

Wrong signature will appear!

have not found a way to flash a locked provider box.
ok...for me it was no problem to unlock 3 blocked Mag245.

test it with this tutorial. and write here if it work.
I think we are not using the same terms. A box with a different portal whose's payment has expired and the screen says STB blocked, can easily be flashed with a USB etc etc. But if your suppliers gives you a free mag box with your subscription, he will have put a code in the firmware to stop people using the box anywhere else. This box cannot be flashed (at least not been able to yet) while I flashed/booted 100's of other boxes.

Wrong Signature will appear when you try to upgrade firmware.
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i had last week 3 boxes. Without infomir logo. With providor logo. Also server change like on his picture was disablet. It was not only stb blocket.
On this box you cant change anything like server or do a factory reset.
i have do it like in the video now he has full acces.
but it can be that some providor block it with pin.
so he can try, why not.

Did you solve this? I also have a mag254 that is locked by the provider.
I can't even access the inner portal so I guess I will have to reset it to factory default and start over.
Unfortunately not. There is three levels of lock. The first is hiding the potal, the second not allowing you to update from settings, the third
(the permanent) not allowing you to update from BIOS (you'll get "wrong signature" message)