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Anyone know what the faults are and how to fix the problems?

Took back and replaced 2 Mag256`s at he weekend.

1 Box had this problem.. by scrolling down/up thro the channel guide it would stop after 2 pages then just say loading.. after about 1 minute you could then scroll further.. why did it stop to load..?? you could then scroll 2 pages then again it would stop to load..??

2nd box would load the channels list, you could choose a channel to watch.. when you picked the channel which worked ok you could go back out to the channels but it wouldn´t start a second tv channel. The channel list and the epg was ok it just would start a second tv channel... ?? i had to restart the box the problem happend after each restart.

I´ve rebooted the boxes.. also reset the boxes to the default settings then put in the url´s and updated to the newest software but the faults just keep happening.

any help or tips would be appreciated.. Thanks
Is 2.20.05-256 Fri Aug 3 the latest software for MAG 256 ?

Thats whats in the boxes.. if we can´t find a solution maybe i´ll load an earlier software and see if that helps.. otherwise i´ll have to send them back.. but i don´t really want to do this
Hello Guys,
my Magbox 256 is buffering some day all 5 minutes and sometimes not. It buffers on all Channels (HD, FHD) and VOD.
I cant explain why.
In my old house, i had the same problems.
Now, we live in an other city and i got the same issues (new internet provider 200mbit, old was 50mbit)
There is no other device to the router connected. Router -> Magbox -> HDMI -> TV
Buffertime in Settings set to full max 15ms
Magbox has already been reseted.

Maybe u can help me

Sincerely Florian
are you able to check with another device? smartiptv or something?
- is a firewall in the router active?
- maybe MAG device has an issue?
Firewall now off.
I already tryed to watch it on PC and downloaded my M3U... still laggy/Buffering. It seems, its a network problem ?! or just a few settings.
Have a cable bw? you are connected to a lan cable? Sorry, it will not work, you will have to take a MAG box that works on Wifi or any other box, the same problems with others
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Have you checked your router.. have a look at any diagnose software on your routers settings .. that way you can see if the signal is constant on varying..
Have you checked your router.. have a look at any diagnose software on your routers settings .. that way you can see if the signal is constant on varying..

It has been some tec issues the past days for a lot of my clients also... on MAG... so it must be central issue.
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Firewall now off.
I already tryed to watch it on PC and downloaded my M3U... still laggy/Buffering. It seems, its a network problem ?! or just a few settings.

Get Smarters App on your phone, if it works on your phone, then there's a problem with Lan Kabl ...
Hello Guys,
my Magbox 256 is buffering some day all 5 minutes and sometimes not. It buffers on all Channels (HD, FHD) and VOD.
I cant explain why.
In my old house, i had the same problems.
Now, we live in an other city and i got the same issues (new internet provider 200mbit, old was 50mbit)
There is no other device to the router connected. Router -> Magbox -> HDMI -> TV
Buffertime in Settings set to full max 15ms
Magbox has already been reseted.

Maybe u can help me

Sincerely Florian

Hi Flo.. what router do you use.. Fritzbox or Speedport?? I´ve clients in Germany who have problems with the Speedport typ B router.. other clients with a Fritzbox 7490 and 7390 have had none or a lot less problems..

i take it your using LAN and not WIFI..?

Have you manuallly changed the DNS settings using or ?
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Hi Flo.. what router do you use.. Fritzbox or Speedport?? I´ve clients in Germany who have problems with the Speedport typ B router.. other clients with a Fritzbox 7490 and 7390 have had none or a lot less problems..

i take it your using LAN and not WIFI..?

Have you manuallly changed the DNS settings using or ?

In my old house i used a Fritzbox7490 -> Internetprovider 1
new House -> Noname Router -> Internetprovider 2 but same issues :(
I changed the DNS in settings in inner portal now to

The strange point is, sometimes it runs 5 house and then it starts to buffer AND some days it runs without any problem ?!
Can anyone tell me why we are getting the message "wifi disabled" when it isn't? We can't access any channels on our Mag 256
I have been using a MAG 256 which appears to suffer extreme over-heating issues. Anybody else experiencing the same problem?
Is your box in a ventilated area or is it near to another device which gives out a lot of heat...?? if you have the wifi version you can´t turn this off.

read on another forum that Infomir have said its possible to read a cpu temperature via ssh ... you´ll have to Google or use youtube as i´ve never used PuTTy myself.

Install PuTTy and use this string

cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

Reading was 81000 and thats 81 celsius which is fine...

Sorry cant help anymore
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I have a MAG 256. Recently, I changed my TV from a Samsung to a Sony Bravia. Then, I saw this on my screen: Your "STB is blocked. Call the provider." Any idea?