I cannot find a way to do it on the mag. I use an Amazon fire stick plugged into my TV’s HDMI slot, assuming you don’t have a smart tv
Ok, no Im using a projector
I cannot find a way to do it on the mag. I use an Amazon fire stick plugged into my TV’s HDMI slot, assuming you don’t have a smart tv
Is 2.20.05-256 Fri Aug 3 the latest software for MAG 256 ?
Have you checked your router.. have a look at any diagnose software on your routers settings .. that way you can see if the signal is constant on varying..
Firewall now off.
I already tryed to watch it on PC and downloaded my M3U... still laggy/Buffering. It seems, its a network problem ?! or just a few settings.
Hello Guys,
my Magbox 256 is buffering some day all 5 minutes and sometimes not. It buffers on all Channels (HD, FHD) and VOD.
I cant explain why.
In my old house, i had the same problems.
Now, we live in an other city and i got the same issues (new internet provider 200mbit, old was 50mbit)
There is no other device to the router connected. Router -> Magbox -> HDMI -> TV
Buffertime in Settings set to full max 15ms
Magbox has already been reseted.
Maybe u can help me
Sincerely Florian
Hi Flo.. what router do you use.. Fritzbox or Speedport?? I´ve clients in Germany who have problems with the Speedport typ B router.. other clients with a Fritzbox 7490 and 7390 have had none or a lot less problems..
i take it your using LAN and not WIFI..?
Have you manuallly changed the DNS settings using or ?