Please open a support ticket. Because I have all the necessary information about your account and your lists. Since I can handle the problem much faster.For real? I can not remember a support ticketwhat´t the problem with my question? I can explain further if needed.
when I upload the list I insert only the url here sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/mylist
since I don´t have problems loading the playlist i never checked "keep online" because of this :
"Warning! Use Keep online ONLY if you have problems loading playlist on your TV."
I already contacted the xtream and siptv team. they say the problem is not with them so I thought I should post here
maybe I should send the device back.
Try it again. With sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* and it works. The prerequisite is that you convert your MAG line into an M3u
Yes for real. I have an account and wrote an E-Mail to support@xtream... from my E-Mail adress xha.mazing...
Yesterday I was watching Bundesliga Konferenz on Sky Bundesliga 1. Then I switched through the other Sky Bundesliga channels 1,2,3,4 etc.
so Sky Bundesliga 6 didn´t work for me. It said connecting and I had to restart the Mag Box completely because none of the other channels were working anymore(not just switching it off and back on with the remote).
I am not saying that this is a Xtream-editor problem! It´s a general problem I am having. The problem with my edited xtream line was only that I lost connection when I switched the channels quick.
To this e-mail address I get hundreds of emails per day including advertising etc. It may be that this has gone down.