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what´t the problem with my question? I can explain further if needed.
when I upload the list I insert only the url here sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/mylist
since I don´t have problems loading the playlist i never checked "keep online" because of this :

"Warning! Use Keep online ONLY if you have problems loading playlist on your TV."

I already contacted the xtream and siptv team. they say the problem is not with them so I thought I should post here

maybe I should send the device back.
For real? I can not remember a support ticket :)
Try it again. With sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* and xtream-editor.com it works. The prerequisite is that you convert your MAG line into an M3u

Yes for real. I have an account and wrote an E-Mail to support@xtream... from my E-Mail adress xha.mazing...

Yesterday I was watching Bundesliga Konferenz on Sky Bundesliga 1. Then I switched through the other Sky Bundesliga channels 1,2,3,4 etc.
so Sky Bundesliga 6 didn´t work for me. It said connecting and I had to restart the Mag Box completely because none of the other channels were working anymore(not just switching it off and back on with the remote).

I am not saying that this is a Xtream-editor problem! It´s a general problem I am having. The problem with my edited xtream line was only that I lost connection when I switched the channels quick.
Please open a support ticket. Because I have all the necessary information about your account and your lists. Since I can handle the problem much faster.
To this e-mail address I get hundreds of emails per day including advertising etc. It may be that this has gone down.
My recommendation:
Use this Link:
It generates a TXT file with an option for MAG devices

http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN *******/howto/mag/
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http://sip******* WARNING FRAUD **D...TO ADMIN *******/howto/mag/portal.html#portal
Maybe this helps.

thanks but I already had done this.
I messaged the Informir support for help and they gave me a download link with an update. I installed it but still have the same problem :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
I give up and accept it the way it is :expressionless:
I just discovered that I can't record on my MAG 256 :(

This is a big disappointment, as I can record with playlists from other providers!

So it must be a setting @IPTV Community 's end that disables recording.
What is the difference to other providers, and will you enable recording?

Feedback highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Please, I need help

Do you know if is there any thing I can do to have subtitles in MAg 256?
I´m not English speaker and for me is really important. Please, help
HI all, I bought a MAG256 and have it connected by wire to a 500mb/s connection... but my problem is that the box randomly freezes. I have taking off the 'sleep' function but even as I watch it (no buffering) suddenly I get a blue screen.... and it won't work again until after I take out the plug and put it back in.

I have several mag256 boxes and they all do the same.... I am suing the latest firmware, and using the Rapid portal http://mag.clientportal.link/c

Any ideas?
try the setting on the mag box to ignore hdmi events it worked for me

Dutch IPTV reseller

~~~ Let me show u the world ~~~
In some channels where subtitles are available you can press the "app" button in the remote to enable subtitles
I've had same problem with mag254. Sorry to say never got it sorted so don't use it anymore. Infomir refused to take it back for investigation even when I offered to pay for any repair. I'm not impressed
i have bluescreen on My mag 256. Tried reset in bios but nothing seems to help. Stucked on bluescreen. The tv doesnt react on the hdmi cable. Any advise?


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