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Subtitles work fine in perfect player.
You can enable subtitles for the playing video in "Options" window.
To access press the "Videocamera" button in main menu during playback.
Change log v1.4.7.2:
Improved channel playback resume when device powered on after standby
Note: “Play last channel at startup” option is the “Full version” feature
Bug fixes

Download as APK:PerfectPlayer-
Hi all!

The forum is more than just the shoutbox. Use the search function or simply browse through the forum and you would have found what i have found.
In this link you will find one of the best EPG links for the rapid iptv channels. It is not 100% accurate, but it is the most accurate i found. I use it with both "Perfect Player" and "IPTV Extreme Pro". On "Perfect Player" you can even "correct" some of the EPG errors and assign the correct EPG to the correct Channel. Try it.
Change log v1.4.8.1:
Added “Preview” option in channels list context menu
Show playing channel preview and additional EPG info in all view modes
(Full version feature)


Hi guys,

Hope someone can help me.

So I've added an EPG list to Perfect Player on Windows and it works beautifully. However, when I try to add that same list to Perfect Player on my Android box only a few of the channels are loaded (130 or so out of thousands).The link is correct and I've tried to reboot the device several times but nothing works, I can't get the full list to show up.

Any ideas on what might be wrong?

Thank you

I have used perfect player for months now, but suddenly the channel groups and channels are in a unsorted order. Can anyone explain how this can happen and how I fix it?

When I use same stream in for example VLC player, the sort order is working.

Using a Fire TV gen 2. Is there a way to delete a ppbck file under settings / defaults / restore settings / download? I am installing, IPTV service and my zip just keeps creating an additional ppbck file when I unzip. Example: Xxx@Gmail.com.ppbck xxx@gmail.com(2).ppbck, etc. I've installed on another Fire TV with no problem so I'm thinking of I can get rid of those and start fresh it might help. I have uninstalled Perfect Player in manage installed applications but those files are still there when it is reinstalled. I have tried to long press the center button & use the key with the 3 lines. Nothing. Any ideas? Thank you.
I have just bought a new line and the channels cannot be split into groups or even countries - if I click on the arrows at the top of the list nothing happens. Js there anything I can do pse.
I have the same problem as freebee theone. A new line I bought works but the countries can't be seen. There is just a long list of channels. I apologise for startig a new thread on this - newbie

Use the "m3u with options" link from your dashboard, for channel groups and VOD groups.

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