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Can somebody give me some input.
I have done as it is explained Quimic in post #2.
I can now se all channel list and channels, and also switch channel.s
But i have no sound or picture on any of the channels.
I am using a tvip 410 with a m3u link (works on vlc).

I sent you a PM. So that we can try to debug your problem... :)
Does anyone know which IPTV player for androind can record live event by EPG shedule and have IPTV stream auto reconect if when connection is unexpectedly closed ?
Thanks for help.
Hi, I am new to iptv.

For couple of days I use the app sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* on amazon fire stick, works fine with my list.

for my other tv i wanted to buy one of those android tv boxes. I bought leelbox Q2 pro, cause it looked like a good hardware.

I tried to find siptv in the android store, but I couldn't, on the homepage of sip******* WARNING FRAUD **DON'T BUY** PLEASE REPORT TO ADMIN ******* I read, that if I can't find it, it is not a real box or st. like that.

I tried couple of other iptv players available, followed the instructions here very precisely, but I am just not able to get it, no channels are loaded, all playlists are empty.I did figure out a bit, that my box operates more like a tablet?! Is that the Problem? Is my device not working for those m3u lists? If so - anyone a bette recommadation for hardware?

I'm busy setting my maxytec 4k.
Now iptv only does not work really well. Shocking in the image. Now I am looking for what I can adjust the buffer time? Can you tell me where I can customize it?
Romano Hoen

If you use m3u file instead of web portal on the S-Box 410. Is there anyway to organize the channels? They just appear in a very long long list for me.
Another option is to use a TV server like TVheadend but that one only works if you use m3u file.
Would you please recommend a tutorial on How to install android apk iptv package on an android TV box.

Thanks in advance.

Best Wishers,

I use the sab android hd box.
Can i reprogram it so it runs iptv instead of satellite?
or whats the best app for iptv?
is it possible to install apps from Play Store?
when you can do it, try to install "smart iptv app" or "perfect player".
I have Android TV Box X96 mini. Have new Amlogic chip S905w. What should I say .... it's just bad picture with iptv. no app gives picture clean. I already try 1000 different settings. big problem is line shift. extremely bad at sport stations. I think chip is not optimized for iptv. 2k or 4k movies with plex or kodi are fine. but iptv with app SIPTV or extreme player or stb emu is just bad. can someone share experience?

Thank you
Pal or NTSC ..? Good question. Where can I change?
However, the picture settings says 4k @ 30fps, 2k @ 30fps or 1080p @ 60fps.
@Daniel Vega
normally I buy RK3328 chip for IPTV. Works perfectly with IPTV. Best of all, it only costs $ 32. Now I've bought 20 boxes with AMLogic Chip ... I'm still annoyed. But maybe the players are not yet optimized for new low cost chip. That's why I'm looking for experiences from other people.
Thanks for your help
I've tried boxes with both s905 & s905x and have not had any problems with the picture quality on either but i have never used any of the programs you mentioned, give Smart iptv and Perfect player a go.
I always use Smart IPTV, it also means SIPTV. But with this box I have only bad picture. I try with 720p resolution tonight. so far always use 1080p, 2k, 4k
I have used Android for a long time.
I have two Tronsmart Vega S95 Telos(and one Minix 8H)and I use IPTV,1080,720,Netflix and some more..and I have a 92 Inch,screen-Projector and a 65 inch Samsung TV,and two 32 tv`s and I have no problem at all whit the quality of the picture.
I have the proper firmware in my Tronsmart.I bought the last Tronsmart box for about: 35 Euro,on sale.(GeekB)
It makes me wonder whats wrong whit the boxes,settings,...for other members using about the same boxes!
hi guys i need your help
i couldnt find out how to add subtitle on progtv android for rapid vod multilanguage
can u help me about that